
When things meant to be..


sometimes, things are meant to be that way..
whether they're bad, whether they're good..
They're meant to be that way..
so, no matter how loud u laugh, how hard u cry, how wide your smile, how deep u regret,
as they're meant to be that way, there'll be no way to change it..

as a normal human, i'm hurt...
people see me as a strong person..
i am..
but somehow, when it's hurting too much, u just wish that it's just a bad dream, and pray the best to wake up.

being hurt is not an option...
but u always have the option whether to hurt people or not..

so, referring to the case of Me v That Person [2014], involving the Law of Feeling, it meant to be that way..
There're lot of damages..
There is defence that can be use, but not even partial..
erm, obviously, violating the Principle of Natural Justice...

*sorry for explaining the case in law mode.. 

so, yeah... people make mistakes.. and as the person that have the cause of action, i don't ask for any damage..

i still got monsters under my bed, but yours, i don't think so...

so yeah, beside all this sadness, many things happen.. the good things..
 and i think, it's meant to be tht way.
i made a decision before..
i'll be going..
and surprisingly, a lot earlier than i thought..

where i'l be going? 
when am i going?
why am i going?

let it be a secret for this moment..
there's no point to share it now..
bukan ada nak hantar ke, menyambut ke, melawat pun kan..
so yeah... until that day, that time, that moment, let just God know it..
HE know better than anyone..

am i running away from problems?

at this moment, honestly, yup.. i am running.. for a while..
but then, i'm going for good reasons too..
trying to reach the best future..

just pray the best for me.. for my future..
May Allah ease all the process..

owh, people kept asking whether i regret whatever just happened..
i'll never regret..
but yeah, frustration always there..

there's nothing to regret for..
it's part of my life.. part of the memories..
it just happened to be like that...

and people yang keep asking me whether i'm ok or not..
don't worry eh, i'll always be a strong person..
or at least i'll try to be one.

sorry buat siapa yang tidak faham..
it just something that i need to write down, to let me feel a lil bit better..

and dear mama and ayah, 
thank u for being the best parent ever...
even though i never share these kind of things with u guys,
but still, u're trying to make me laugh..
for this moment, i still cant.. but one day, i will.. again..

don't worry if i always not feeling well...
don't worry if i'm not in the mood..
don't worry if i'm getting 'cengkung'..
don't worry if i sound so weird..
your lil girl here, is starting to be a lady..
thank u..

and last but not least, Aina Asyran, thank u so much.. for everything..
things are getting harder for me.. don't worry, i'll be just fine..
i'm surviving..
i'm not sure whether u'll miss me or not afterward (hehehe...)
 but surely i'll miss u a lot girl.. 
we're getting into so much distance..
u'll be a lady when i meet u afterward..
whatever it is, aku sayang ang wei.. 

so guys, just live your life..
life did get so hard sometimes, but it is life after all kan..
hold on a bit.. u'll be just fine..
think positive..
and yup, best of luck..



The Beginning...

Assalamualaikum wbt...

this should not be a sad post tho..
hehehe~ it's supposed to be inspiring...

so, here it goes..
yup, something did happen..
and my life went crazy for a while..
tunggang terbalik kejap..

but after a while, i realized, i can't do anything if i'm behaving like this..
so, i make a decision..
and i'm proud i took that decision.

i'm not regretting..
i'll never regret...
tak de sebab nak regret dengan benda yang buat diri jadi lebih baik kan..

i believe that time will heal everything.. insyaAllah..
let me improve myself first..
let me be a better person first..
let me get some achievements first..

i'm not sad..
i'm happy..
this is the time to take a look at what happen back then, and simply do a better one in the future.

Life goes on..nothing will ever change.. that's what i can promise u

so yeah, i'll be just fine here...
i'll be a successful lawyer
 ( insyaAllah since my MUET result is more than i expected..hehehe)

we'll see how our future look like..

remember this..
whatever problems happen in your life, face it with courage...
when u feel u're stuck in your life, go back to your family, 
they're the best to be with
when u feel sick, be strong, u'll be just fine..
if u feel, u're alone, don't worry, there'll be always someone for u..
if u feel so down, don't worry, u have your mummy and ayah..
they know what to do..
when u think your mummy don't love u, jangan nak merepek.. 
she loves u more than anything...

when u feel so tired, just take a rest, nothing to loose..
when u feel your life is lifeless, don't worry..
 God put it in that way for a reason..
and the most important is, when u're driving, please be careful.. 
anda tak kawen pun lagi.. taknak kahwen kah.. hehehe~

Don't worry, i'm a strong girl..u led me to be one.. i'll be just fine..
 don't worry.. this is not the end.. this is the beginning 

be strong, be brave, happy always..
good luck young man.
good luck to both of us.



In The Midst of Hardship

Assalamualaikum.. hye guys..

Sorry.. i'm supposed to post bout my last vacation kan.. but i'm so busy..
 life have been so complex and so hard these days.. 
so.. i don't even have time to write some..

i'm so sorry..
this sem really bad.. like terribly bad.. start dengan demam teruk.. 
fever for days..assignment bertimbun-timbun and so many more problems..
i almost lost my grip..
i almost quit all this crap..

everything sangat sangat susah..
and being sakit make it even worst..
and both of us really busy, didn't have opportunity to meet each other pun..

and this make it even harder..
i tried to be strong..
but somehow, being weak is not an option..

i don't get enough sleep..
i loss my appetite...
i can't even think properly..
dizzy for no reason..
can't stand the cold..

one of my hardest weeks..

i cried everyday..
i sighed everyday..
i slept 2,3 hours per day..

i'm totally tired..


Thank You Allah swt..
for the give..
the best parent in the world.. (tq ayah and mama)
the best friend i could ever get..( tq asyran, my girls from last sem and ji)
the best someone i could ever imagine..(him)

thank u guys for your supports..
for your dua'
thank u.. 

i believe that the best solution is by believing yourself...
u can do it..

i'm being a strong girl right now.. i'm proud of myself...

and anda,
thank u for your comforting words,
for your encouraging word,
for believing in me..
thank u for being there..
thank u for being my someone..

Missing me missing u,



Assalamualaikum wbt and yeah, Happy NewYear guys!!

Wow! 2014 already... cepatnya 2013 habis... 

The last time i'm in here was weeks away... Knapa dah lama menghilang..
I have my own reason, but i overcome it...

so yeah, sorry for my late-belated wish.. 
but still, it's only the beginning of 2014..

and back to the topic, my resolution..

erm, nothing in specific, but surely, i want to be a better me..
every year, the resolution still the same.. nothing really change.. 
tapi rasanya, years ahead, it'll change a bit... a bit..
 maybe, "must get married this year".. hahaha kidding~

hehehe... berangan sat...

OK, i want to be a better person, a better child, a better sister, a better someone's someone, a better friend, a better senior, a better junior, a better nemesis... frankly speaking, i just want to be a better me..

hopefully, people around will help me to be a better one...

owh, few days before, i saw a statement from my senior on how shock she is because she's turning 20.. and i just laughed... 

but, ooo~ if she's 20, that's mean i'm turning 19.. OMG.. i'm that old now!!

God, rasa macam baru je lagi i told my mama that she should not ask me to do all the dishes or lipat kain bagai because i'm only 9.. 
like seriously, 9 y.o girl should enjoy main masak2 or race basikal in my case...

wake up syera, tu cerita 10 tahun lepas...
perghh... slap to my face... 

so, yeah, bak kata mama, tak berapa lama lagi lu akan wa kawen kan..
bawak2 sedar diri, lu nak kena maki ngan mak mentua ke apa..
nanti lu kawen, wa tanak ambik tau dah... lu hidup la dengan laki lu...

* ok kidding, my mama don't talk like that.. but intisari nye still lebih kurang..

so, please people, guide me to be a better one.. 

thats all... happy new year, enjoy your 2014.. enjoy it to the max..
live your life guys...

p/s : i'm suppose to share my last year family trip.. tapi tak dapat ilham lagi..
so, insyaAllah, afterward, i'll post some of it k..


A much needed rant : 28th April 2021

*Disclaimer: This post was written on 28th April 2021. 2.10 am. Few months before turning 26 y.o. I'm not sure when I'll publish thi...