

Assalamualaikum w.b.t....hye guys...

My 2nd post in a day.... first time mcm ni... rasa macam kesakaian sket... hohoho~ pencemaran bahasa disitu...

mehehe~ nampak tak... that stressed thingy is embedded with the haemoglobin, flowing in my vain right to my heart, pump from the heart directly to my brain and woila....
effected my feeling and behavior... teehee~ to conclude it, i miss biology... nak wat camne.. i'm not meant to learn it to the end... 

so, to distressed it, haruslah cari pain killer mahu pun antidepressant..
ok, rindu chemist plak..*sigh*

for me, there's only one kind of antidepressant in the description...
so, the description said that i just need one kind of medicine that is.....
*drum roll please~

FOOD !!!

Hohoho~ best kan Dr. saya.... ubat2 yg dia bagi mmg sempoi habis... kalau sapa2 minat, ley call no dia...

Dr. UknoWho

hahaha...amacam, kasi promote separuh je... taley bagi tau semua, nnti kena saman... nak bayar pun, demand dia agak susah nak terangkan disini..
ok, dah jauh sgt menyimpang... back to the topic...

so, today, my class dibatalkan.. Alhamdulillah.. so, i used some of the leisure time to complete my assignment...and here is the result...

hahaha....ada Domo di situ... owh, if u can see the papers, i'm not studying medicine... so, jgn terkejut if the papers are about animal in research... it's for the ELC class..

disebabkan stress melampau, so, apabila ada yang baik hati menjemput untuk buka puasa di luar, mulut ku ini secara automitas nya mengatakan ya...

And here we are... bukak puasa kat Restoran Barra.. ok, promote skit kedai ni... restoran ni kat sek. 7... area kfc, depan UiTM Shah Alam...hohoho~ makanan dia boleh tahan... portion dia sangaaaat banyak for me... boleh kongsi dua orang kot... owh, by the way, yang atas tu my friend... kiri, Anna Sofea, budak bilik depan yang lawa... kanan, Anis Amalina, my roommate yang baik hati, lemah lembut budi pekerti....huhuhu...

Dah habis makan, aduh, macam mana ni...hati ku meronta-ronta teringin makan kek...jadi, solution nya, kaki ku melangkah menyeberangi jalan ke secret recipe...heeee~ mengada-ngada sungguh hati ku ini...

masuk je dalam secret recipe, this is the scenery.. and i was thinking...
where on earth i'm right now?  is this heaven or what?? 
hahaha~ guys, u must think out of the box... and i was applying it right at that time...
banyak nyer pilihan... dok usha satu2...abang secret recipe da tunggu... abaikan dia..jamu mata dulu...then...erm, ok lah.. bro, raspberry cheese one slice eh...

ni la hasil dia...sekotak rezeki Tuhan dari Syurga dunia...

owh, dah balik bilik...i forgot all the heaven thingy for a while... lagho jap ngan benda alah tenet ni hah... and finally, my God, my cake !!!

bak kata orang Kuala Kangsar,
udoh cayo kek nye....

kan... udah cayo...

owh, to complete it, this is what i did...

and I finished it, the whole bottle by myself....heeee~

so thats it... stress da hilang....selesai dah hari ni... dah boleh tido dengan tenang hatinya...

so, to you, the Dr., the uknoWho, the one who may concern, to you...yes, you... tq for your presence... huhuhu~ appreciate it...

heeee~ jump into my jiwang side once in a while...

and nak tempek satu gambaq sendiri..maaf la, tringin na letak muka ceq disini....

heeeee~ this is the image in my brain... all of them are up side down..
sorry na.. owh yeah, if your heart said, eh, kenapa aku rasa macam tak lawa pun...agak huduh je...
well, tell your heart, it's true.. i'm not pretty..

till then, bye guys..happy fasting...be happy...love others...jaga hati, jaga iman na...live your life..

p/s : owh, one more thing, i'm so sorry, my bahasa today agak... blurgghhhh~


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