Assalamualaikum and hello
It'd been quite sometime since the last post..
Erm, i can't use busy as an excuse..
just say that the feeling to write is not there.
So, today, want to write and share few things.
This is my 2nd semester of degree life. Baru start few weeks, but truly hectic.
Make new friends, knew few people, trying few new things.
All and all, until this moment, i believe i'm improving myself day by day, and surely i want to keep it that way through out this year.
if nak tanya result hari tu macam mana..
hurmm, segan nak bagitau.
but, seriously, dari awal dulu saya tak penah kata i'm a great student.
Obviously, i'm not la kan.
Kalau tanya my parents, they'll say i can improve my result for this sem.
If u asked me, i'll say i'm quite satisfied with my result despite my kesibukan and all my time spent into few things.
But somehow, thank God, along this rough journey of first sem, i always got people that support my back.
My parents yang tak pernah putus doakan kejayaan anak and always bagi kebebasan untuk anak diorang ni buat keputusan.
My siblings that even though tak jumpa selalu, but i know they always want me to do my best.
Him that always support me with what i'm doing, always there when i need comfort words, always there to help me make my mind, always there to hide me away from this world when i need time to be alone.
My best girl ever, for her support, her words that makes me laugh and her time spent hearing my lovey dovey story.
and for all that, thank you so much.
betul cakap orang, lagi bertambah umur, lagi kurang orang dalam hidup,
lagi banyak yang melangkah keluar.
i'm used with being alone since little.
i'm that kind of person that dont have much friend.
Kalau dulu rasa macam nak bunuh diri bila rasa takda kawan and terlalu sunyi.
Sekarang, i'm satisfied with what i have.
I don't need thousands of people to be my friend.
I just need these few people that will never leave.
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