Things just don't go the way I planned.
I did wish everything would be just fine, I really do happy for what u've achieved, and of course i'm happy if u found someone which makes you happier.
But i must admit, it's not that easy to smile, it's not easy to say u're ok now, it's not easy at all to say to myself that I need to let you go..
Of course i'm happy to see u with someone who's much much better than me, swear to God, I'm ok,
Tbh, I'm relieved that u met someone much better than u'd before..
I know you're looking at me when everything happened. I'm not sure whether u're checking out whether I'm ok or not with the whole situation, or u just simply gave me a warn to not judge her or don't get near her.
And because of that, i really really tried my best not to look at her, i don't have any right to judge anyone, and if i really do judge, u don't have anything to be worried about, she's much better than I am. If u're trying to find out whether I'm ok or not, the answer is, why would i be.. hahaha
Of course, I'm surprised with whatever i saw, the whole situation itself, how i figured it out, how i need to act calm, how i need to answer all those Qs while handling my own confusion and frustration..hahaha.
Things just happened that way. I have no right to comment about this. I'm just happy that somethings are still allowed, and some people are still allowed to wander around my life or day to ensure I'm ok.
Thanks to that lil guy, i did laugh, smile and happy for a while.
And for that permission, I owe u a whole lot of thanks.
I wish u all the best. Enjoy your life. Whoever u are, whoever i am, in whatever situation, u'll always have my support. Happy always k.
P/s: i know u hate this whole idea of blogging personal life. In case u still hate what i wrote, let me know. I'll delete everything. U have all the rights to do so. What i said in the beginning of us, still valid till forever. I'm still me, U're still u. Even after all that harsh words i said, any ridiculous decisions i asked, u know who u are. u still do, and forever will. So, if there's anything u want me to change, or delete, or forget, just let me know.
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