Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hello bros and babes...
nah...darling terus aku bagi..
hahaha... gaya bagi salam takleh senonoh lagi...
dah tu je yang terkeluar dari kepala... mohon tutup sebelah mata..heeeee~
yup, i know i know... it's october already...
and i promised of this post days before.. and yet, the feeling of writing tak kunjung tiba jua... and yup, this is the night...
aura menulis membara...hahaha... membara la sangat..
takpa2, saya bagi satu analogi *wat nada bahas sket..hehehe*
'' menulis blog ini umpama menghabiskan sebuku roti Gardenia, its ok if we don't finished the bread before the expiry date, after few days pun, still ok lagi kot"
hahaha~ that's the best analogy that i can think right now...
so, back to the main point, apa je yang ada on my September...
well~ there's two MAJOR things...
first, my birthday..
second, my FINAL.. *perhh, birthday pun aku tak highlight camni*
i'll tell u one by one, but seriously, not in accordance because, during le Final, my head got a bang, and woila, everything after that jumbled up...
even the 'drive-through-not-so-well' situation occured....
how to start this thing eh...
right, first, my birthday, i wrote bout it before..
next, my Final...
three words to describe.. 'disaster, terrible, over the limit'
and fine, more than three words to be exact..
i'd heard bout it before, studying law is not a game that u can have fun all the way of learning... it's a war man, a war... yang ni baru foundation...
kalau la ada rezeki buat LLB, muntah hijau la saya...hehehe~
it's a tough month, study macam apa je... books and notes all over the place.. taktau nak mula dari mana... and buku law, stock nak lawan yellow pages je..
orang sakit merate-rata.. aku pun sempat join sekaki demam dua hari...
ada yang lagi parah siap pengsan2, jatuh tegelincir dalam bilik air, histeria, meroyan, smua ada ar senang citer...hahaha..ok, i exaggerate it a bit..but seriously, these did happened...
final ada 7 paper, and the final ambik masa almost two weeks... tapi berselang-selang hari ar.. macam waktu spm dulu2...
*ceh...bajet macam dah lama, benda baru last year*
and the first 6 papers end up on monday..and the next paper is on thursday...and yang thursday tu hanyalah paper ctu... hanyalah ye kawan2, hanyalah...
heee~ so, we did a bit of celebration...
just the girls, four of us, owh, one of my rommies tader..
and we went to Sunway Pyramid... yup...Sunway...again =='
the experience is undescribed coz i never got the chance to mingle around with girls... so, its fun..
who are they? on the next post, i'll tell everything k...
plus, another reward from another person for me after berhempas pulas berusaha sedaya upaya yang mampu untuk final ni...hehehe.. dapat la relax2, tenangkan jiwa, merapu meghaban segala bagai dengan anda..
so, thank u for 'the day'..
then, datang la hari khamis, and habis la paper CTU085 yang sgt bermakna..
this is where the Final took placed. DSB a.k.a Dewan Sri Budiman ye kawan2... ramai nye la yang kata Dewan Sri Bunian...
including me during the orientation week...ehem ehem ehem... hahaha...
a very nice experience sebab waktu SPM dulu dok dewan kecik je.. student pun 100+ je.. yang ni nah kau... dok satu batch beratus-ratus orang...
and the dewan was so cold... the aircond cap ayam... hahaha... everyone wear their sweater, pashmina, cardigan, gloves...
owh, i saw someone brought a blanket ==' ok faham, dia sejuk k..
and bila dah habis, everyone like...
' YEAY!!! Final is over... nampak Tapah dah....' *thats me*
then, macam biasa la... sesi gambar2... ada yang siap nangis2 bagai... macam la dah tak jumpa dah... benda selang sebulan jumpa balik.. hahaha.
so, selesai citer Final.. pheww...penat nyelah menaip..hehehe..
ok, next, apa je yang ada kat fakulti ku tersayang a.k.a FUU
a.k.a Fakulti Undang-undang..
by the SCLC club yang sangat active...
i'm one of the committee tapi macam ta exist je...
insyaAllah, next sem i'll be joining you guys...
and yeay!! book bazaar... bukan sekadar books je, makanan, pakaian, accessories segala bagai... dengar citer FUU slalu organize event camni... adoyai, tempting gila....
diorang organized for the whole week, and i'm trying my best not to spend all of my allowance there... they're are so tempting guys...
seniors FUU memang awesome ar..
berkhemah2 waktu tader orang,,,
and ramai nye lahai warga FUU ni hah....
and thats all la kot yang agak2 highlight in this September... well, there'll be another two posts related to Them and We... so, wait for it...
maybe the posts will be ready in no time because, i'm in my sem break, and nothing to do because the entire family is education-based people...
diorang tak cuti lagi...
tinggal la 'anak-sesat-ambik-law' ni hah melepak sorang2 kat rumah...
owh, almost forgot....
yup... hye october... sorry for the late wish...hehehe... been so busy with the technologies...sorry..
so guys, enjoy your day..enjoy your life...
enjoy every secs, mins, hours, days, years....
be happy.. be positive... fight for the sake of the future..
fight for your desire... stay strong..
strengthen your believes on him/her.. let go the past...
start a new one.. i'm sorry.. i'm a bad girl...
but referring to heart, its hard to tolerate..the further i go, the deeper it be..
and its revealing... Gosh!! what on earth am i saying...
naaaa, sapa makan cili, terasa la pedasnya..
but believe me, everything happen for a reason... HE planned the best for u.. who knows, u'll find better...
i let go my past and i found my future..i found THEM, i found US..
i found my future.. i found my life..
i found my passion...
and i'll spend the rest of my life with what i got right now...
anda, read this over and over again, and tell your heart, that i meant it with all my heart...
guys, i'm young to talk bout this kan... but, life comes once..
and i don't know at my golden age, i'll remember all these or not..
and that's why i wrote all this...
live your life guys...
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