

Assalamualaikum wbt and hye peeps...

These few days went not that well for me... my health go up and down...
sneezing all over the places.... 
temperature went high and down to the normal repeatedly...


what's wrong with me??

I took few time before i realized that i did rely on uknoWho more than i'm expected.. after the high school years, the journey that i'll go through make me change people around me regularly... 
however, kerap mana pun surrounding tu berubah, uknoWho is still there..

so, when a distance is put between us, the effect is obviously felt..

I just feel so bad as when i'm in hard time, uknoWho was there... but, when uknoWho is in hard time, we're apart... physically, but not emotionally...


i just feel so bad when uknoWho is in bad time, i'm not there..
 i'm not sure if i can help to ease, but at least, i'm there to hear..
but distance makes everything look impossible..

i hate to hear him stressed, depressed, tension and such..
i feel like a looser that can't do anything...
so, in this kind of distance, i can just give supports and words..
and hopefully, it'll somehow help u..

anda, if u read this, just tell yourself, i always be behind your back..
supporting u in every way and decision u make..
i know it's kind of hard for u to go through all these..
but believe me, u can do it..

i'm so sorry i can't do much to help..
but, u know right, that i'll always there if u need me..
i'll be the 'ear', i'll be the 'shoulder'..
just don't give up..
stay strong ..
only few weeks left ..
give in your all and enjoy your holidays to the full after that..

don't make me worry..
make me proud...
make me smile..
like always..

i know u can do it..
u are my uknoWho..

no need to worry much
each day will passed...

so, be happy..
to both of us..
good luck...

hahaha... sweet..

love your life guys.... eh, silap... live your life...

p/s : even cool fever is not as curing as u...



My weirdness..

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and nighty night...

hahaha...ni lah masalah nya bila rasa nak menulis datang pepagi buta...

ecehh~ tetiba je plak.. syuh syuh...pegi la jauh2 mode jiwang.. 
jgn masuk sekarang... hehehe...

actually, it's not bout my weirdness pun.. sebab obviously it's not that weird.. it's my preference...is it?? eh....hehehe~  taktau nak jelas kan..

senang cakap, this is my taste... nah.. senang citer...

few hours ago, a junior contacted me, asking few things yang tak berapa reasonable bout me... sort of a pop quiz... 
macam 'quiz-sape-sebenarnya-kaksyera"

lebih kurang camtu la gak  =='
and i was like, whaaaaa~ what are u thinking all this while babe, so not me..

so, let us do some correction bout me, moga2 tader yang salah sangka lagi k..

First question dari juniorku:

' kak syera suka warna apa sebenarnya?? biru ke, merah ke or pink..??'

 ~ tettttttt.... sangat la salah... i'm not into any of those colours.. biru and
    merah nehi2...pink plak, simpang malaikat... my fav colour is brown..
    anything related to brown or choc, that is seriously my taste k...
    brown pencil case, brown bag, brown blanket, brown car....
    anything in brown.. done with the first Q.. don't ask why i like this colour
    bcoz i also don't have the answer..

2nd question dari junior tersayang:

' kak syera prefer what type of music? hard core? pop? Rock?'

~Dude, am i look like that kind of music fan... so big NO... well, actually, i'm
  into country music and a little bit of jazz...hehehe... unexpected sikit kan..

3rd question from her:

' kak syera prefer what kind of style?? modern? electro?"

~ sejujurnya, i don't get your question that clear... but, if i'm not mistaken,
   i don't have any interest in both of your suggestion.. well, i'm into vintage..
   hahaha.. this make u shocked the most kan... why vintage?? i'm not sure.. 
   maybe bcoz seeing vintage things and pics like protecting all my 

4th question from her again:

'sis, what kind of guy do u prefer? romantic? caring? childish?'

something like this.....

or like this............

or like this...... heheheh~ berangan syera, berangan....

~ erm..... this Q is kindof though.. how to describe the answer in the simplest
   form eh.. erm, ok, this one word, 'spontaneous'... no acting, no drama, no
   melancholic, no no no.... *ok, terlebih feeling*
   the most important, he's being himself with me...
   dia tak kekok dengan saya, saya tak kekok dengan dia, then its done... 
   he's the one...

5th Q:

' sis, what kind of music instrument did u like the most??'

~ i like all, babe... ALL... from guitar to piano... from drum to kompang.. 
   from violin to gamelan.. from trumpet to caklempong..
   from harp to angklung... anything... hehehe... i love music..

last question :

' sis, if u have one choice to change any of your past, which one do u choose and why?'

~ ok, this is the hardest Q... first, ingat nak kata yang bab begaduh ngan
   budak skolah zaman highschool dulu... tapi tu tak regret sangat sebab
   kitorang ok je sekarang... then nak kata a few things i'd done that make me
   ashamed of myself such as the kfc incident, tapi those incidents pun
   memorable... so, my answer is, none... why? because each of my action
   done before, whether it is good or a mistake, it brings me to what i am
   today... eh? betol ke ayat ni tah.. well, what i mean is, if i don't do any of
   those mistakes before, i may not have what i have now, i may not meet
   people i love the most now and i may not learn any of it like i do realize
   now.. so, why should i change any of those kan...

guys, these are just answers to the questions asked by my junior before that frequently mistaken by others... lagi2 yang bab warna coklat and vintage tu kan.. people are like, 'what?? dah takde benda laen ke nak minat??'

cam tu la lebih kurang... yang laen tu macam, i prefer white gold than the GOLD gold.. i prefer to be in the left than in the right.. i prefer jam besi than jam kulit or rubber.. i prefer lovey dovey novels than thrillers... i prefer Harry Potter than Twilight... k, tu macam pelik skit.. but hey, i grew up wth potters k.. full set, khatam BM + Bi + each movies... hehehe~

i prefer to be beside than to be apart... 
i prefer to wait than to leave...
i prefer to count and not to be counted...
i prefer hurt than hurting...
i prefer believing than doubting..
i believe in second chance...

i'm short, i'm not pretty, i'm careless, i love to eat, i love to sleep..
i'm not good in giving directions..i did mistakes...
after all, that someone is still there... beside me...

sorry for the inconvenience mode...

that is me.. the real me..
live your life guys....

p/s : freaking missing.... counting days...sabarlah wahai hati...eceh~



Take Note #1


When i start without a salam, there's always something wrong.. 
yup, something is not right...

i think bout this over and over before i decided to write this down.. 
i'm not complaining, i'm not trying to relate this to anyone or trying to degrade or humiliate someone.. so please, no offence..

erm, first, lets make this clear..
salah and silap is so different..
personal and professional should not mix up..
feelings and fate can't be denied..

don't worry.. this post is not one of those my lovey dovey journey..
something serious is happening.. and i don't like it..

once, in my highschool years, i'm not one of the friendly friend or student or senior or anything that goes the same..

aku tau aku jenis cepat melenting..
 tak kira kawan or tak kawan, junior tak junior, senior tak senior...
when i said it's wrong, no one can denied..
but hell you know, i'm not evil..
i'm not that cruel to ruin your life..
just, put yourself in my position just for a while..
you'll understand my action..

gila kuasa takde dalam list..
jalankan tanggungjawab is my priority..
the way i handle it may hurt people, but trust me, if i don't do it, how to complete it..

aku tau aku tak rapat ngan orang, but hell you know i have feelings too..
sapa kata aku tak sayang kawan or tak sayang junior wei..
budak batch aku.. even aku penah marah korang pun, kalau korang jatuh telentang patah riuk pun, aku tak tinggal camtu je...
kalau aku nampak apa korang buat sebelum2 ni pun, aku tutup mata jugak..
penah tau ke ada 'kawan' korang yang celik...

untuk junior aku... sesombong-sombong aku, semasam mana muka aku pun sebelum ni... aku sayang korang kot...
seteruk-teruk aku marah, tampar, sepak korang pun before ni, fikir balik..
aku marah tanpa sebab ke apa..
takde la aku hitler sangat sampai nak hukum korang tanpa sebab kan..
teruk2 mana korang kena sampuk hantu pun, aku tak lari kot..
sesusah mana pun korang nak sembang ngan aku sebelum ni, kalau korang mintak tolong ngan aku, aku tolong jugak kan... 
tak kira ar aku korbankan masa ke, tenaga ke, duit ke apa, pernah ke aku mintak balas balik.. takkan..

aku bukan ungkit.. aku bukan masuk bakul angkat sendiri..
cuma fikir sekali..
kalau aku cuba berbaik..
kalau aku panggil kau adik..
kalau aku tak pandang jelik..
kalau aku boleh respect..
susah sangat ke nak treat aku as someone u know at least..

aku tak mintak banyak pun dari korang..
just treat me as u want yourself to be treated..
i don't mix my personal life in between, so u too..
believe me, i don't take advantage on people..
 i don't start a communication for a drama or a cliche or a melancholic..
trust me, that is me, the one u'd never knew before..

ask my friends, ask any of those SAWAN, any of my Shah Alam friends, any of my debate team, i've never once take advantage on people, tak pernah dalam hidup aku nak menjatuhkan orang...

i'm frustrated..i'm mad.. i'm upset..

just think..
jahat tak bermaksud jahat selamanya..
jahat tak bermaksud kejam..
things happen for reasons..
think wisely, and u'll understand..

guys, sorry for my language today..
don't use it in any of your essays or during MUET test k..
Teacher Leez and Cikgu Rodzlina, maaf bahasa yang ku guna tercemar..

live your life guys..

p/s : if u heard bout me from anyone of any stories or 'rumors' should be, just try to think for few times.. am i that bad??



Sei Un Dono

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hola....

Ok... in jiwang mode right now... 
only God knows how on earth i'm trying to find the best, conducive condition to right this post...

and now, its raining, the light is turned dim, i'm hearing to my mp, on my bed and yeah, it's conducive enough for me to write a jiwang thingy.... hahahah...

and, before i start, i know some of u guys so eeww~ to read jiwang things i wrote.. well, face it.. i am young to say i love someone, and he's the one or complementing the guy or something... 
and i admit it, sometimes i also don't know why i wrote those things..
 but come on, this is life.. 

my principle, these all lovey dovey journey are part of my life... 
and i'm appreciating it.. and it's my pleasure to wrote it in here as when i grow older, i want to read it back... 
whether i'll be glad or whether i'll be regret, it's up to me..

if it's ok with u, read it.. if not, leave it.. as simple as that.. no offense..

and here it goes..
once, it's just a dream of mine..

well, honestly, i'm not that friendly to people during my school days...
 i can't mingle around easily...i'm not good at communication..
i'm not pretty, i'm not smart, i'm not good at anything...
 duhhh~ zaman skolah ku terbazir camtu je...

even people are seeing me like a 'super duper jerk prefect yang macam bajet bagus sangat jadi pengawas kan'...*guys, i heard it even though u guys are whispering*

yup, i admit it, people hate me during my schooldays and only God know how i'm truly are... 
dah2, back to the main story, so, people always being scolded by me... 
including him if i'm not mistaken...hahaha.. 
sorry bro.. memang hobby wa marah2 orang =='

and i don't know when did everything started..
We're completely different...
I saw the weirdness in him and i do have my weirdness at certain,
 but, when the weirdness occur at the same time, it matched each other..
hahaha...pair of weirdos will do..

tah la... it's quite hard too explain it here...just leave it...

hahaha... let it remain like that.. complicated..

but seriously, once, years back, its just a dream of mine..
but somehow, the dream become my future now...

Muchas gracias...

somehow, the list is quite similar to mine, except for the random dancing... 
i'm not into dancing.. 
random responses will do... hahhaha..

recently, i'm talking with a friend of mine on the phone.. a very good friend of mine indeed..
and she's telling me bout her lovey dovey story... 
and i'm aawwww~ all along the stories... 
well, i did hoping for 'sweet-things-couples-do',
 but i'm not that kind of asking..
and when my friend shared pics of them and things between them, then i just realized, we don't do all these.. 
why?? its quite upsetting at first..

but then, after a very deep thought, i asked myself, are those things all u really care... are u sure if u have all these u can happy?? 
nope, i'll not.. what i need is just these...

that's all i'll ask for...
enough to make me happy everyday.. kindof cliche kan.. but honestly, every people have their own way to live up their love life... some people glad with things, some people glad with pictures, some people glad with calls...

each people have their own way..
 people said, we can't live our life based on memories, but i did... 
and it turns out to be my way.. i appreciate memories.. when i miss anyone, i'll try to remember memories between us... that's how i live my life..

so, i'm so glad and happy with what i have right now..
God blessed me enough..
there's nothing i could ask for more...
owh, there's one thing i wish, I wish it'll be forever..

that's all...

how i wished i could wear a dress  like in my old days... hahaha...

ok, saya sudah segan..

and guys, be happy with what u have..
appreciate it, appreciate them.. things happen for reasons..
believe in changes, believe in fate, believe in future..
live your life..

p/s : its italian.. a penpal tought me a few phrases and this one is the most suitable.. Grazie mille Nella... Thank you...



Girls Next Door...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and salam kecintaan plus kerinduan....

Heeeee~ saja buat ala2 sweet skit sebab nak citer pasal these girls....

so...i'm going to tell bout them... 
never introduced them officially in my blog here... they always be like here and there in each of my post, but, never told who they really are...
 and finally, after the first semester over, i'm going to tell who they really are... *sigh*

this story is bout THEM... in my point of view.. the way i see them..
 the experiences between us...

and, drum roll please....

this is them...

actually, two of them are my roommies and the other two, bukan la next door pun, lebih kepada frontdoor.. hehehe... 
lagi dua orang budak bilik depan.. but, saja nak bagi title post cliche sket,
 so yeah, Girls Next Door... dengar macam ala2 Gossip Girls kan...heeee~

who are they? 

well, basically, they are my friends in Shah Alam... we're from way too different backgrounds, but, suprisingly, we blend in perfectly..
almost perfect..tapi ok la tu, kira boleh kata sekepala la gak..

based on the above pic, dua skali muka yang paling besar depan2 gmbr tu is the girls bilik depan, lagi tiga orang blakang is my roommies and yeah, me = )

so, lets start with my roommies..
first, Anis Amalina..

hahaha... anis, sorry ar wa curi gambar lu dari FB... 
yang ni yang paling ayu wa rasa...

She's from Kedah.. fresh product SMKA Yan.. but believe me, indah khabar dari rupa... hahaha..
jujur cakap, boleh buat bini dia ni, but seriously, not now... why??

rupa yang kat atas tu boleh dapat sekali dalam satu sem je kot.. 
yang hari2 laen, rupa dia camni...

hahaha... tudia aih.... sampai camera pun tak sudi nak focus kat muka... 
hambek hang...

tader ar, saja buat gurau2... mula2 jumpa dia ni stock taley buat kawan ar...
sombong tak bleh blah punya muka... dah ar aku ni skali pangkah muka orang, memang susah ar nak click balik... but seriously, she's a very nice friend... 
hari pertama dah ajak beli nasi skali... haaaa~ nampak tak kimia disitu..

thank God i found her... boleh kata sekepala la.. rajin (la jugak) and banyak gak jadi tempat rujukan... nak citer pasal dia ni panjang gak sebab banyak je yang jadi... tapi dia ni la yang teman diriku ini memasak sahur puasa haritu, dia ni la jgak yang slalu teman beli nasi, dia ni la jugak yang join diriku ini bergosip dan memangkah orang.. best la bilik ngan dia ni..
 cuma, tahan telinga sebab dia suka jerit.. yang laen, ok je...
so budak, tq jadi roommate aku...

next, Izzan Tajul... my roommie setentang katil ==' itupun aku citer..

so, that's us...

Yang ni pun satu hal jugak...
 muka stock suci murni, believe me, perangai berantu jugak ni...
gelak dia memang legend ar, stock kalah all the yellow minions thingy tu... 
but, it's fun to have someone from your state tu kan... 
at least she knows where Tapah really is... duhhhh~

bab mrapu memang kitorang ngam... both of us boleh nampak wat people don't see... we cant see any ghost, but we sort of found humor in almost everything.. camtu la kot boleh ngam ngan dia... hahaha...
 pair of weirdos will do...

lot of sharing stories and luahan perasaan stock confession je ngan dia ni.. after all, having fun being roommies with them.. to both of u, anis and izzan, it's a pleasure to be lived in the room with u guys.. 
learning the real meaning of 'tolerate' and 'teenagers'... tq.. and i know its kindof impossible to get the chance to be your roommates again, but after all, great memories everywhere in between this first sem.. thanx again..

*kesat2 air mata*

ok then, the girls from the room opposite our room..

i don't know how, but suddenly these two girls become regular customer or guest to our room and i'm so glad they be like that.. hahaha

so, first, Atiqah Dalila..

a very very nice girl from Perlis... humble person... really easy to click with..
owh, by the way, the word 'click' mean 'ngam' to me... 

and back to this Tiqah story, she's a very hard working and super detail person.. what i mean is, she'll ask anything or find anything till it answer her question... really 'click' with me... 
never annoyed plus always glad to know her...
for me, we had almost the same passion, but this girl show it clearly in her act, but me, naaaah~ i'm more towards 'simpan-dalam-hati'...
 tu je la kot beza dia...

but seriously, i don't want we to loose contact for the next sem.. 
owh, one more thing, i don't know how to explain it but this girl has a kind of humor aura yang dia sendiri tak rasa dia kelakar but i'll surely laugh when she's around in any situation.. tak kira ar time orang serius ke sedih, there'll always be a situation that i'll laugh about..

and that is us after the final paper... hope our dream come true ey babe...

and last but not least, Anna Sofea..

first time i meet her when she came into my room, in my heart
 'damn, this girl is cute'

seriously, she's cute... orangnya renek lawa.... serious lawa... padan ar abang burger pun ngorat... hahaha.... takley2... reserved awek orang dah ni..

honestly, this is the first time i met someone who's so preety and at the same time so hardworking... gila rajin budak ni study...
 aku study tak sampai setengah yang dia study.
such a sweet girl... owh, dia punya taste of food somehow quite similar to me
macam pelik plak bila slalu cakap..
''eh, aku suka benda ni camni''
then, i'll answer ''eh, taste kita samala.."
after that i said, ''i don't like vege much"
then she add " eh, sama la"

heheheh..... our tastebud lebih kurang kot...
 by the way, she's from Terengganu...
 lepas ni kalau datang Terengganu boleh ar menyendeng cari Anna plak eh...

so, thanx to both of my neighbor yang menambahkan bilangan kawan saya kat UiTM ni ha...

actually, i don't have that many friends in UiTM... 
well, dunia berubah a bit for me ... and seeing the world of 'selfishness' somehow make me hard to find 'friends'..

lagi2 i'm hard to open up to new people... i'm not that kindof 'hye2' people around on the first day... i'll take days or even months to start talking to others... so, there they are... being my friends in my new world.. thanx..

after final...

Sunway Pyramid

Dewan Seri Budiman...and owh, yang pakai selendang tu la Anna Sofea


Thank God i get to know them... wonderful journey in my first sem..
 insyaAllah our friendship never die..
it'll last as long as we're friends.. Gonna miss u guys... 
jangan lupa kita bukak puasa skali, masak sahur skali, maen langkah2 pintu stock jalan kolej tu kita yang punya, tengok wayang, study skali, tiqah keluar masuk bilik tanya soalan... 
anna keluar masuk bilik cari air ==' anis aci redah bilik korang coz kurang kasih sayang and saya yang keluar masuk bilik korang bila ditinggalkan sorang2... hahaha... i hate being a loner.. 
whateva it's, take care my friends...
 don't forget us k.. may each of us gain success..

by the way, if anyone call me and ask me where i am and who am i with..
and if i answered ' I'm with The Girls'..
well, these are my girls...

 hahaha.. if this is us, i'll be the one with the darkest hair colour, anis yang the one with the red ribbon coz macam bajet2 ayu and anna yang in the middle sebab the cutest one... 
tiqah ngan izzan rebut la korang antara dua yang tinggal tu... 
just for fun guys.. no heart feeling k..

i dont know why, but i think, i may suit to be in a group of five girls.. dont know why, but it seem to work like that..
zaman skolah menengah, i rapat with this another four nice girls which are 
mizah, tasnim, timah and cik...
then, i know this amazing sawan girls, pun ada 4 lagi prempuan that are 
eyna, nora, wani and mot..
and Shah alam, i found another four girls which are
anis, izzan, anna and tiqah
so, in the future i'll be friend with another 4 hot working mama... 
hahaha... insyaAllah

so, thats it.. my friends... the girls.. i love all of them.. mesti korang tengah terharu baca benda ni sekarang kan.. stock kesat2 mata... hahaha.. please be.
this friendship is beautiful for me and i hope u guys see it in that way too..

and people, appreaciate your friends as they accept u as their friend too..
be with them not only during the laugh, but also during the tears..
be by them not only when there's food, but also when there's no electricity..
be beside them not only during your free time,
 but be there when there's also hard time..

love your friendship as it's infinity, live your life as long as forever..

p/s : i've done with Anthem... and God Gracious, the book are amazing..
       tq Hlovate

2nd p/s : this is the teaser for the next post... and honestly, i don't know
              when i'm going to finish writing the draft...

hahaha.. wait for the next jiwang side of me...


A much needed rant : 28th April 2021

*Disclaimer: This post was written on 28th April 2021. 2.10 am. Few months before turning 26 y.o. I'm not sure when I'll publish thi...