Assalamualaikum and hye peeps!!!
Guess what?? i'm officially EIGHTEEN..
Nah kau semangat, siap highlight lagi..
yeah!!! i'm 18
so, people asked me, how's my birthday celebration...
well, before this, my family is not that kind of having parties or special occasion if there's anybody's birthday... just got to have dinner together is a celebration to us... and of coz there's a cake.. but when we got older, and the three of us went into boarding schools, so, the celebration oftenly postpone till the school holidays so that all of us can gather..
So, almost every year, i'm not into celebrating my birthday because it's always the same..
owh yeah, lupa nak cakap, my birthday is on 16th september...
and yup, i do share my birthday with Malaysia... so dont get jealous...
it's kind of fun when each year, all Malaysian get a day off work or school because its my birthday... hahahaha...
even the Era FM is doing the 'carta hari malaysia' which i heard as 'carta birthday syera'... mahahaha... its fun babe, fun..
this year, for some reasons, i'm hardly wishing and hoping that my birthday will be awesome... but, at first, it's not... everything seems to be so cloudy.... and rainy.... and its not what i'm expecting...
but still, i got many texts, messages, calls and many traces on my FB's wall... so, it's kind of fun for me... guess who is the first person to wish happy birthday to me??
Top 8 person who wish my birthday..
1. Syarikat Maxis...* x aci sebab diorang wish sehari awal semata-mata nak ingatkan esok i
got free call for the whole day...
2. Atikah Yusni a.k.a Mot * pun tak aci sebab wish sehari awal... but still, tq for
remembering my birthday
3. Anis Amalina *owh, tq my roomies yang excited nak wish birthday... makasih na....
4. Encik uknoWho * anda, tq... berani ar lupa birthday orang... kalau tak, siap ar... hehehe~
kidding =)
5. Efnar Zainora * tq nora... sweet nya kamu.....
6. My Mama * tq ma lahir kan kak ngah 18 tahun lepas...
7. My Ayah * tq ayah for those beautiful words... menitik mula2 baca text ayah... baru birthday
kak ngah, x tau la nanti kak ngah kawen, camne la agaknya pesanan ayah...heeee~
8. My Along * tq siap berpantun-pantun... smenjak jadi cikgu ni, semacam plak ayat dia...
takpa2, nnti kak ngah tuntut hadiah k...
Mula2, my whole day macam blurghhhhh je.... semua benda serba tak kena... assignments still bertimbun... esok dah nak kena submit...
hebat birthday aku taon ni... but, bila dah mengenjak petang skit, tengah2 syok baca2 buku, tercampaklah saya ke alam mimpi seketika...
tiba2, vibrate la plak henfon ku ini....
" anda, jom kluar".... eceh~ ayat heaven tu... hahaha....
and that's the start of my birthday celebration....
so, the rest is history that shall be kept for my next generation....
harus lah dirahsiakan... kalau tak, takde apa la nak citer kat anak cucu nanti least, if my grandchild ask,
" nanny, how's your 18th birthday celebrated?"
....haaaaaa~ at least i can say, "well, it's awesome kiddo,
awesome gila habaq hang"..
hahaha~ kau hader...
erm, taon ni no cake2 with those cream.. taon ni tema dia vintage + oldschool
so, apa je yang ada?
well, clearly, there's no secret recipe or baskin robbin's cake...
but, my cake this year special sket...
hahaha... kaya+butter toast dekat old town... epic habis...
tak yah susah2 nak tiup lilin... sampai je atas meja, nyanyi sket dalam hati, baca doa makan, terus ngap.... ni lah birthday gaya orang otai + oldschool... cuma kitorang takde la sampai cicah kopi bagai...
yang tu tunggu the next 40 years...
a host + a guess = perfect birthday party for me
so...then, got some quality time and birthday present...
owh yeah, birthday present... apa yang saya dapat??
from my best friends in shah alam, a pretty blouse and a cake..
tq anis, izzan, tiqah and anna...
owh, they leave messages too...
ni la wishes diorang... tapi ada satu lagi dari anis, takley tunjuk sebab ada bahan censored disitu... ==' afterall, tq guys..
then, from uknoWho... got few presents...
but i can only share these...
yang ni takde la present pown, ambik kat kreta orang... tapi kira hadiah la jugak eh... yang other presents, simpan dalam hati je la....huhuhu~
and, baru saya tau, if birthday someone, tak semestinya that birthday girl je yang dapat hadiah, orang keliling dia pun boleh mintak gak...
hehehe~ mohon ingat kembali..
owh, i'm so happy when someone use the term 'birthday girl' referring it to me... *ehem ehem ehem...huhuhu~
ni, hadiah birthday untuk diri sendiri...hahaha~ these two awesome books, cuti sem nanti baru bukak plastik.
my parents and siblings and friends tak bagi lagi... tapi jangan risau, pasti akan dituntut jua nanti..
so, basically, that's my birthday celebration... sapa kata u need lots and lots of money to make your day beautiful... i did wish few things for my birthday and i get it...
so, basically, that's my birthday celebration... sapa kata u need lots and lots of money to make your day beautiful... i did wish few things for my birthday and i get it...
I want to celebrate my birthday with the one.. and i got it..
i want something... and i got it..
i want something... and i got it..
and i want to admit how much i love my parent... and i did it..
so, thats all i want to make my birthday a perfect birthday... i won't ask more.
tq to all yang wish to me via sms, or calls or leave any message on my FB wall... tq so much.. appreciate it.. terharu kot...
lagi2 bila nampak message by Cikgu Rodzlina... terharu sangat...
tq so much to each of you guys... may Allah bless each and everyone..
so, this birthday, when i reached 18, it doesn't mean i'm getting older..
i am getting older but what i mean is i'll be more mature.. this 18 doesn't mean i got all the freedom like 'hey, i'm 18, i can do whatever i want', but its more like 'hey, i'm 18, and that is my responsibilities and i'm getting more serious in my life'...
so, pray the best for me... May God bless me and us..
This 18 will be a great start, a better servant to HIM, a better child for them, a better sis for them, a better person to him, a better friend for them, a better student.
tq everyone, tq for those beautiful memories.. anda, tq so much for making the day beautiful... live your life guys...
p/s: i miss him....
my adik yang ada ekor
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