
When the heartbeat counted...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and happy saturday readers....

so..... this is a post that i've been drafted in my mind quite a time..
 and i'm wondering if i should write it or not... 
and the title looks like so cliche, macam novel ayat ayat cinta kan...

it just, i found out something... and that's when i can count my heart beat on my own, thats mean, there's something i like or adore happening...

contoh, a few years back, i'm watching a debate competition, and that's is my first time seeing it, and that's it.... i can count my heartbeat... 
and i found out that debate is one of my passion...

and years after that, i proved that it's my passion

then, this one incident, during my birthday this year, when i'm getting my birthday present, i found out that i'm counting my heartbeat.... AGAIN... hahaha...
 *i'm not counting it alone ==' ..then, i'm not sure which one i like the most...
 the birthday presents or the person who gave it... hahaha... kidding~ 

so, why did i'm telling these so sudden...
well, few days ago.... when i'm wandering in my faculty, i saw this couple, holding each others hands, and walk away sweetly... 
and as always , i'll be aawwwwww~ all the way... hahaha..

but, there's something wrong there, something seem so awkward... that 'akak' looks soooo extremely baik, lemah lembut,the one that 'pakai jubah + tudung labuh' and that 'abang' looks like a 'maher zain' type..  ehehe..
but, the awkwardness occur because there are holding hands in the faculty.. 
in public..

looks like this... 

i'm not being prejudice here... no...
but what i'm thinking is, it seems not suit here...
then, baru la tau yang that couple are students of the faculty and they're married...perghhhh~
repect sama itu akak and abang... i'm not sure they are in which part... 
but i'm guessing they're in part 4 or 5.
terer nya... sangat berani sebab kawin waktu masih belajar... and nampak diorang macam takde mslh dengan their two status that's as students and a married person... and they seems to enjoy it...

i'm not telling you that i want to be married... no...hahaha.. 
at least, not yet... i'm not that brave enough.... i need more time to improve myself to reach the expectation... but i'm saying that, early marriage is not a problem as long as u dare to do it and u brave enough to face the reality... it's not possible..i've saw a few before...

this is kak Dena Bahrin... she's married as early as 18 or 19 kot... if i'm not mistaken..

and woila, they got their first child... i think she's 20 or 21 kot... awal kan... tapi macam tader hal je..

and this cute akak...

 pun kawen awal gak... i'm not sure at what age... but she's still a student at that time...

even gi jawab exam pun bawak peneman dalam perut...

so, thats mean, it's not possible... and why am i telling this by the way...
well, actually, when i met that couple in my faculty that i've told earlier, i can count my heartbeat...
 i'm not sure what it means... but i think, i adore how they respect each other... haaaa~ and they're so cute..
so, if akak or abang terbaca or ter'tau' pasal my post ni, i'm so sorry..... 
if tersalah info or any assumptions.. and i've been stalking bout you guys for few days... bukan la stalk sangat pun, just if terserempak, my eyes will not blink even for a second until tak nampak u guys dah... hehehe..
but yeah, u guys are great and looks so good for each other...

so, i don't know when i'll be able to count my heartbeat again... 
and hopefully, when that time came, it'll be beautiful... ecehh~

so yeah.... that's my post all about... hahaha... just trying to let my writing side for a while before continue with my study back...

owh yeah, this month, i don't write much because it's my final month of the sem...
 and next week is my final 'E'... do pray the best for me...i'm trying my best..

and i'm doing the countdown... everyday.... a month or three month...
 i'm not sure...
 but i'm counting it patiently...
so, for whatever reasons, do take care...

and guys, live your life... see the world and get inspired...
 be nice to the world, and the world will be nice to u back..
i miss my school life... really do...

p/s: exam, please be nice with me...
2nd p/s : i miss everything that are listed in my heart now...



I'm EIGHTEEN aka 18....

Assalamualaikum and hye peeps!!!

Guess what?? i'm officially EIGHTEEN..
Nah kau semangat, siap highlight lagi..

yeah!!! i'm 18

so, people asked me, how's my birthday celebration... 
well, before this, my family is not that kind of having parties or special occasion if there's anybody's birthday... just got to have dinner together is a celebration to us... and of coz there's a cake.. but when we got older, and the three of us went into boarding schools, so, the celebration oftenly postpone till the school holidays so that all of us can gather..

So, almost every year, i'm not into celebrating my birthday because it's always the same.. 
owh yeah, lupa nak cakap, my birthday is on 16th september...
 and yup, i do share my birthday with Malaysia... so dont get jealous...
it's kind of fun when each year, all Malaysian get a day off work or school because its my birthday... hahahaha... 
even the Era FM is doing the 'carta hari malaysia' which i heard as 'carta birthday syera'... mahahaha... its fun babe, fun..

this year, for some reasons, i'm hardly wishing and hoping that my birthday will be awesome... but, at first, it's not... everything seems to be so cloudy.... and rainy.... and its not what i'm expecting...

but still, i got many texts, messages, calls and many traces on my FB's wall... so, it's kind of fun for me... guess who is the first person to wish happy birthday to me?? 

Top 8 person who wish my birthday..

1. Syarikat Maxis...* x aci sebab diorang wish sehari awal semata-mata nak ingatkan esok i
                                          got free call for the whole day...

2. Atikah Yusni a.k.a Mot * pun tak aci sebab wish sehari awal... but still, tq for
                                                      remembering my birthday

3. Anis Amalina *owh, tq my roomies yang excited nak wish birthday... makasih na....

4. Encik uknoWho * anda, tq... berani ar lupa birthday orang... kalau tak, siap ar... hehehe~
                                        kidding =)

5. Efnar Zainora * tq nora... sweet nya kamu..... 

6. My Mama * tq ma lahir kan kak ngah 18 tahun lepas...

7. My Ayah * tq ayah for those beautiful words... menitik mula2 baca text ayah... baru birthday
                          kak ngah, x tau la nanti kak ngah kawen, camne la agaknya pesanan      ayah...heeee~

8. My Along * tq siap berpantun-pantun... smenjak jadi cikgu ni, semacam plak ayat dia...
                            takpa2, nnti kak ngah tuntut hadiah k...

Mula2, my whole day macam blurghhhhh je.... semua benda serba tak kena... assignments still bertimbun... esok dah nak kena submit...
hebat birthday aku taon ni... but, bila dah mengenjak petang skit, tengah2 syok baca2 buku, tercampaklah saya ke alam mimpi seketika... 
tiba2, vibrate la plak henfon ku ini....

" anda, jom kluar".... eceh~ ayat heaven tu... hahaha....
and that's the start of my birthday celebration....

so, the rest is history that shall be kept for my next generation....
 harus lah dirahsiakan... kalau tak, takde apa la nak citer kat anak cucu nanti kan...at least, if my grandchild ask,
 " nanny, how's your 18th birthday celebrated?"
....haaaaaa~ at least i can say, "well, it's awesome kiddo,
 awesome gila habaq hang"..

hahaha~ kau hader...
erm, taon ni no cake2 with those cream.. taon ni tema dia vintage + oldschool
so, apa je yang ada?

well, clearly, there's no secret recipe or baskin robbin's cake...
but, my cake this year special sket...

hahaha... kaya+butter toast dekat old town... epic habis... 
tak yah susah2 nak tiup lilin... sampai je atas meja, nyanyi sket dalam hati, baca doa makan, terus ngap.... ni lah birthday gaya orang otai + oldschool... cuma kitorang takde la sampai cicah kopi bagai... 
yang tu tunggu the next 40 years...

a host + a guess = perfect birthday party for me

so...then, got some quality time and birthday present...
 owh yeah, birthday present... apa yang saya dapat??

from my best friends in shah alam, a pretty blouse and a cake..
tq anis, izzan, tiqah and anna...
 owh, they leave messages too...

ni la wishes diorang... tapi ada satu lagi dari anis, takley tunjuk sebab ada bahan censored disitu... =='  afterall, tq guys..

then, from uknoWho... got few presents...
but i can only share these...
yang ni takde la present pown, ambik kat kreta orang... tapi kira hadiah la jugak eh... yang other presents, simpan dalam hati je la....huhuhu~
and, baru saya tau, if birthday someone, tak semestinya that birthday girl je yang dapat hadiah, orang keliling dia pun boleh mintak gak... 
hehehe~ mohon ingat kembali..
owh, i'm so happy when someone use the term 'birthday girl' referring it to me... *ehem ehem ehem...huhuhu~

ni, hadiah birthday untuk diri sendiri...hahaha~ these two awesome books, cuti sem nanti baru bukak plastik.

my parents and siblings and friends tak bagi lagi... tapi jangan risau, pasti akan dituntut jua nanti..

so, basically, that's my birthday celebration... sapa kata u need lots and lots of money to make your day beautiful... i did wish few things for my birthday and i get it...

I want to celebrate my birthday with the one.. and i got it..
i want something... and i got it..
and i want to admit how much i love my parent... and i did it..

so, thats all i want to make my birthday a perfect birthday... i won't ask more.

tq to all yang wish to me via sms, or calls or leave any message on my FB wall... tq so much.. appreciate it.. terharu kot...
 lagi2 bila nampak message by Cikgu Rodzlina... terharu sangat...
 tq so much to each of you guys... may Allah bless each and everyone..

so, this birthday, when i reached 18, it doesn't mean i'm getting older..
 i am getting older but what i mean is i'll be more mature.. this 18 doesn't mean i got all the freedom like 'hey, i'm 18, i can do whatever i want', but its more like 'hey, i'm 18, and that is my responsibilities and i'm getting more serious in my life'...
 so, pray the best for me... May God bless me and us..

This 18 will be a great start, a better servant to HIM, a better child for them, a better sis for them, a better person to him, a better friend for them, a better student.

tq everyone, tq for those beautiful memories.. anda, tq so much for making the day beautiful... live your life guys...

p/s: i miss him....

my adik yang ada ekor



Hectic Week...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hye guys....

It'd been a very very long week for me...and yeah, I do need more sleep....

Maybe, my expectation for this week or month is too high... maybe...
i need it to be the best, but somehow, it be the worst... 
hopefully, it'll be just for this week...
 hopefully, the one which is on its way, will be the best...Aminnnnn~

all the assignments, the tests, the presentations, the forums....
 all of these somehow almost make me a quitter..
yeah, i did, almost quit...
i cried a lot... A LOT... it's hard...

staying away from family, being so busy... facing so much people with so much behaviors, so different aim of living, there're also with none... 
trying to cope with all the situations, all the madness, kind of too hard and harsh.. 
i did tried my best... i try to put all my efforts into them... 
but still, not enough to make me go trough all these...


kan dah kata.... i'm very busy this week... soooooo busy....

 bersepah-sepah la bilik ku ini... apatah lagi katil tu, sudah hilang serinya, sama seperti tuannya, seri tak kunjung tiba...

obviously, i got many things to be done... alhamdulillah, everything done now.. 
what a relieve...

owh... i got tests too... tension sebab tak sempat study...
 Tuhan je tau how worried i am... tak penah camni kot... even wktu skolah dulu, eventhough ada kes histeria kat hostel, but still sempat study...
 yang ni memang tak study langsung... what make it be even worst, it's the CSC paper... the computer paper... 
and i 'LOVE' this paper so much.....

so, after dah jawab, happy tak kepalang... punya la hilang beban.. owh yeah, we sit for the test waktu malam, dekat fakulti... and its creepy...

habis test, pakat lepak kat pavi depan fakulti... taktau la knapa orang panggil tangga tu as pavillion, bcoz i see it more like tangga batu cave... seriously, almost the same  =='
  * ok, hyperbola.. sorry

And this is muka orang gumbira lepas jawab exam... hehehe~

owh, malam tu jugak is our lecturer last day... sian kat miss amira... 
dah tak de kat UiTM da... by the way, tq miss for teaching us, lecturing us, make us laugh a lot in your class and being sooooo pretty in class to make us, the girls awwwww on you so much.. and seriously, u have a very nice car.... yeah, saya stalk kreta anda yang ada beberapa tu... hehehe~ sorry.

which one is miss Amira.... well, the prettiest la... yang pakai shawl tu... adore her so much.. a very great success at a very young age...

then, the presentation.... macam2 halangan before we manage to complete all the slides and of coz, the hardest part is to face Madam Amani... perghhhh~ she's so cool, at the same time, she got the thrill... hehehe...
she's so beautiful, tapi tak sempat2 lagi snap a pic with her..
 InsyaAllah, i will share in the future....

so, this is one of the groups that did a presentation on that day.. 
in our LAW012 class...
and my group have to discuss on the Fundamental Liberties and its restraints and all those stuff...
seriously, Madam Amani will ask u everything.... EVERYTHING...
all the case involved, the judgements, the Articles involved, the concepts... ALL...EVERYTHING..

And Alhamdulillah.. we did it... and it's worth it all those time we don't sleep, or sleep late, or all the money used... everything... it's worth it...

owh yeah, this is one of my teammate, this is Jiha...
we're the only girls who are related to Ironman somehow, and we both have them in PINK...
mahaha~ difference is, she's a pink-holic and i'm pink-haters....

and there it goes the worst of the week...

and i tend to reward myself for all the works i'd done...
i thought i can meet him this week, unfortunately, we don't get the opportunity...
 insyaAllah... we'll meet soon..

so, what i did to myself is i get the best quality of sleep...hehehe
next, i eat..
next, i shop...

Mahahaha~ it's the only thing i can do to reward myself...

A slice of heaven.... mahaha~ it's my fav raspberry cheese...

and i buy few things.... only a few...hahaha~ Mama, kak ngah mintak maaf... 
dah lama tak beli barang...

a blouse, a jersey, 2 tudung bawal... a few je.... hehehe... tak banyak kot..

owh, tq so much to Ashanim Boutique.... beautiful blouses... i'd bought a few from there before... and they are so pretty and the price is so reasonable with the quality served...

and the scarf warna pink corak paisley tu, it's my fav now... i really hate pink, but there's a special exception for this case... hahaha...

and sempat jejak a few popular shops in Sec.7...

Sugarscarf... beautiful shop... really adore the interior design and the product sold there....

owh... yang ni feymes... CalaQisya...sorry gambar macam blurghhhhh je... tengah excited naik tangga yang banyak tu... CalaQisya kat tingkat tiga.. sempot panjat tangga... 
tapi berbaloi...barang2 dia best...

so, that's it... My Hectic Week... next week, still hectic... so, two hectic week in a row... great syera, tahniah...

but still.....
semangat nak jadi student law masih membara...

erm, my last words for this post...
tq so much for my parent yang sangat2 support saya... they're the best parent in this whole wide world... tq mama and ayah...

tq to you, yes, anda...
tq for being there when i need...
being there when i don't see the light..
when i just see the 'give up'..
tq... for all those words... tq...

" just let it be without letting it deny your happiness for each day"

tq so much...
it means a lot to me..

hahaha~ ok, jiwang mode.... malu..... * blushing blushing*

by the way, bro, tq from the bottom of my heart... i owe u much...

hahaha... k la guys, bare with me, stay with me, be with me...

live your life guys... be strong... make the best decision... love your love one.. just like what i'm doing right  now...



When time flies...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and evening every human being...

I don't expect to write a post this fast.. 
erm, have u guys been in a situation that u're so intense to wait for something, or 'special thing' it should be called, that u tend just to forget it...
well, u're not forget bout it, but somehow ter'flip away' for a moment from your thought...

example, macam your mom's birthday... a week from the date, it's a must to do the countdown, but somehow, without realizing, the time flies, and woila~ 

Is there anything special yesterday?
Owh yeah, it's my mom's birthday... ooh, i forgot to wish..

by the way, it's not relating my mom's birthday any how... 
but it did quite similar in my situation right now...

i'm so excited to count for it since few months ago... but, i missed it by a day.. suppose to be an hour ago...
 but somehow, i remembered about it an hour later...  =='

abaikan, yang penting saya ingat..
so... that's it..
time did flies.. and in my case, it leaved tracks... beautiful one..

erm, have u ever been in this scene, where in the morning, when the cool breeze is still blown, u tend to look at the sky, and there's a plane or maybe a jet, just flew across the sky, and leaved behind the white-silverish traced...the one that make you went 'awwwwwww~' with those shining2 eyes...

just like this one...

same goes to 'this'... time flies... and some how it leaved behind traces that when i flashed it back, i'll go 'awwwww~' all the way... hahaha

really did... if my life is a diary, well, 'this' will be written with silver or gold pen to show how special it is.. owh, kalau memori biasa2, it'll be in black, a happy one in red and the worst or bad one, in pink... 
hehehehe... that's how much 'pink' is not in my fav-list...

owh yeah, bout 'this', let it be just the people behind it knew... 
but to be clear here, i'm sorry for ter'slip it away' skejap.. 
but i did remember it.. ALWAYS kot... hehehe

last, tq for being my best friend... when u're appointed as friend, there's no such thing as break up and something similar with it..
 and when i appoint u as my bestfriend, it's mean, forever and it'll last.

by the way, my best friends always be among girls, but u're a guy..
 so, there's something special there... pliz, terharulah anda...
 choosen one kot... hahaha.

and the other terms that can't be mention here, it'll be last..insyaAllah...may success be with us..

only we know what i mean here... i still keep it... never untied... 
just like the 'friendship'...

so thats it... tq so much...

live your life guys... appreciate people... love people... 
stay with them, bare with them, be with them



Dear September...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and happy september!!

so... august dah pergi...and september sudah mari....
sekejap je august dah blah.. rasa macam baru semalam je say hye to august..

so, hye september!!

erm, i expect more on September... why?? well, i'm not sure why..
but i really do believe september is a great month for me.. maybe a lucky one.
who knows kan??

a few things, situations, incident, occasions had occur since the 1st of september came...

1. i've got a very frustrating, regretful, hard yet full of experiences and thrills...

2. i did travel a lot... and i mean it.. A LOT..

3. i met new friends... there are superly nice... bunch of credits to the MMU girls... it's a pleasure to know u guys..

4. i found out the true meaning of being a Malaysia a day after the 'Merdeka' day.. lol~ lambat sangat faham...

5. i learned to appreciate and thankful to be a Malaysian..

6. owh, orang Malaysia berani... i saw few handicapped can live freely without fear in the middle of KL... saya yang celik segala ni pun cuak macam tikus... respect them a lot.. owh, i also really amazed with some of the Malaysian that is really young, but still respect the elders, put up all the manners and.... 
being a truly Malaysian...

7. i miss my parent, my siblings ( including the one with tail) and my home sweet home..

8. full of regret because i can't accompany the uknoWho... sorry...

9. owh, i miss him too...teeheeee~ segan...

* i miss Taiping so much.. tak tau knapa rasa macam taiping pun my home town... maybe sbb membesar lima tahun kat situ kot...

10. Assignment put me on stressed... a terrible one.. almost demam...

11. all the test and exam... it's a blurrrgggghhhhh!!!

and last but not least...

12. Final exam is around the corner babe... break my leg...

owh yeah... dear September, please be nice... i really put all my hope to u... it's now or never... make me happy... don't let me drop all the droplets... huhhuhu~ i'm afraid i'm hoping too much... but please, just be nice k...

p/s : really missing, really hoping...
p/s 2nd : the song of the month : I Do- Colbie Caillat..

live your life guys... enjoy your september... exceed my expectation..


A much needed rant : 28th April 2021

*Disclaimer: This post was written on 28th April 2021. 2.10 am. Few months before turning 26 y.o. I'm not sure when I'll publish thi...