Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hye guys...
Well....what i want to say is, I'm home... i'm back.. i'm in Tapah...
safely... happily... proud of...
huhuhu~ everyone.. i'm home... just wait for the chaos... next target, Charlie... watch out u cat... u're my next aim..
God, please help me... i don't know who is on the way home,
but i do feel the bad aura...
please God, save me from the disaster...
Sian kat Charlie, asyik trauma je bila saya balik... well, all those plans end up as planned... everything change..
~ i'm supposed to be home by Saturday, but end up going home on Friday..
~ I'm supposed to be home by train, but end up going home by car..
yeah, a cozy one, a sejuk one, the one yang bukak macam2 jenis lagu,
the one yang speed up macam takde esok dah and tb2 slow down depan
aes camera...mehehe~
~ i'm supposed to be home with Izni a.k.a Jeni, my schoolmate...but end up going home with someone else...
~ i'm supposed to breakfasting at pizza hut, but end up breakfasting in the the driver baca doa bukak puasa sambil pegang stereng kereta..
perghhh~ heart attack wa seketika..
~ i'm supposed to eat something else for bukak puasa, but end up bukak puasa ngan air milo tin yang ta brape sejuk + air soya yang masih sejuk + the roti + keropok udang =='... and, i don't eat anything related to udang.. but somehow, i did taste the keropok... and end up mata merah malam tu...but, tq to the one who paid it... i did enjoy the breakfasting session..
~ owh, one more, i'm supposed being treated like an adult.. but end up being treated like a child...
"kunci pintu.. kalau orang ketuk jangan bukak... jangan keluar gi mana2.. duduk dalam kereta diam2..."
after all, i'm home safely... tq to le' driver.. owh, something did happen...
somehow, the driver speed up like till 140 km/h... and i my reaction is....
"jangan la laju,ira nak raya la.."
then, the car slow down a bit... but then, the car speed up again...
and AGAIN...
kat dalam kpala, terdetik ayat ni..
"Ira nak kawin la"
Magically and surprisingly, the word did came out.. ok, shy + blushed...
*krik krik krik
and there is a lot more experiences in the car like the akak and akak2 myvi, and the headbanging driver, the lorry with baja, the ferrari car yang konon nye kena hantar gi polish and so much more incredible moments...
lots and lots of fun...
and that is the first time i mlalak dlam kreta orang and the worst part is, i don't realize it... huhuhu~syera, syera, pelik la kau ni...
after all, that is the best experience.... err, kalau nak tiap2 taon boleh... huhuhuu~ sorry... bagi kaki, nak peha... acah je la.. tapi kalau jadi rutin, means, we're still on, and that's a good, pray the best eh...
sukanya gambar ni...taktau knapa...
so guys, slamat berpuasa.. dah dekat nak raya dah pun... jaga diri elok2.. jangan main mercun sangat.. main bunga api tak pe.. heee~ nanti kalau jumpa saya, nak duit raya eh..
erm, lupa nak cakap, to the precious driver yang memakbulkan impian dah hajat saya untuk balik ke Tapah...
in case if u can't understand Malay or English...
ooooo~ segan nih....
guys, enjoy your holiday... live your life eh...and, that shirt.. it's nice to see it.. again..
P/s : apa cer bumi taiping.. i miss them a lot... dengar citer ada manusia cium tar taman tasik and kena tangkap berenang-renang di taman tasik.. siapakah manusia itu?
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