Assalamualaikum and hello there...
So, dah lebih dari seminggu since I'm back in Malaysia.
Sooooo many people asked me where i actually went, did i went there alone, did i went for a holiday, best ke tak, and what so not...
I've been thinking of explaining everything as soon as I'm back in Malaysia, but nahhhhh, tunggu cuti midsem baru tulis.. hahaha
So, yeah, here I am, I'm going to share my experience, but before that, I'm going to explain few things first:
1. I went 'there' to join a competition, not a holiday. I did a lil bit of tour for few days only before my flight back to Malaysia.. huhuhu, come on, bukan tiap2 bulan dapat sampai sana pun kan...p/s: i went there only for 2 weeks.
2. The competition that I joined was at Evian-les-bains which is in France. But the nearest airport to that place is Geneva airport, which is in Switzerland. And before my flight back to Malaysia, i have a mini tour to Paris. So, basically i went both countries. hahahaha.
3. My parents did not pay for the whole journey. Well, i must admit that they spent a lot for this trip but mostly sponsored by ICRC Malaysia and some from UKM. What is ICRC? Google plis.. hahaha.. so yeah, if I'm not sponsored by these people, I'll never have a chance untuk jejak situ. And, please, I'm not from a rich family, definitely not, my parents are teachers. Thats why I said they sacrificed a lot for me for this trip.
For now itu je la kot the general facts.. yang soalan lain2 tu akan dijawab throughout my posts (which i will write into few parts).
Flight hari tu pukul 1 pagi (18/3/2016) dekat KLIA via Emirates. So, i went to the airport very early as this is the furthest or the longest hours of flight I've been, and usually naik flight from KLIA2, that's why we went there earlier.
Owh, by the way, I don't go alone. There're 3 of us. Me, Raymond (3rd year) and Wahab (4th year), in case you want to know who they are, just read my previous2 posts, I've showed their pics before. As our flight tickets were bought by our sponsor which is ICRC Malaysia, so they gave us freedom to choose our own date of return. As I'll be back in Malaysia wayyyy earlier than those two guys, so somehow I'm in different flight than them. I'll be in Emirates and they'll be in Turkish airline.
Before i boarded my flight, I did upload a picture of my flight tix which somehow confused so many people that thought I'm going to Dubai. As i didn't informed anyone that I'm going to join the competition, even my bestfriends thought I'm going somewhere nearby for a while. So, many people texted me asking why am i going to Dubai. I really want to reply to your text, but when more than 10 people asked the same thing, I decided not to reply at all.. hahaha
This is actually how my flight plan:
So, KLIA to Dubai 7 hours, then, transit in Dubai for almost 5 hours before my next flight to Geneva for another 7 hours. As for those two guys, their flight from KLIA to Istanbul 11 hours if I'm not mistaken, then transit in Istanbul for few hours before their flight to Geneva for another 2 hours.
You can conclude that I fly alone the whole journey, and it is fun. Few weeks before my flight, it's a stressful moment when I have to inform my parents that I'm going to fly alone. Especially to my mom. I can still remember our conversation on the phone, when i told the news. She asked me if i want her to follow me. Haahaha... To be honest, I'm that kind of girl who likes to travel alone, so when i know i'm going to fly alone, I'm super excited. But I know there're still few parents who gave that kind of freedom to their daughter. Every single day i called them, saying that I'll be okay alone and they didn't have to be worried. In the end, they allowed me to fly alone... yeayyyyy
Next, tengah dok tunggu2 my flight, my abang and adik decided to walk around the KLIA while my parents and I decided to wait infront of the departure gate. Tengah2 kitorang sembang, tibahjah nampak a group of teenagers berlari-lari, then my mom asked whether there's a celebrity there. And that's the moment when I turned around and saw a guy who is verrrryyyy tall, waearing all black head to toe and his face covered with typical-kpop-idol black mask and bodyguards all around him walking so fast.
In a split sec, I remember that earlier that day, during the end of my lecture class, i accidently read a news from somewhere (cant remember where, twitter maybe???) that THE LEE KWANGSOO, that tall guy will be in Malaysia for a promotion of something (which i dont care at all) somewhere around KL (which i dont care too). The main point is Kwangsoo in Malaysia. And for that split second, I jumped from my seat and shouted to my parent..
"OMG, Ma, Kwangsoo ada dtg Malaysia hari ni, baru teringat.." and I dashed to him.
and what's more important, my mom gave her handbag to my dad (who still terpinga2, he know who kwangsoo is...) ans my mom dashed towards the crowd to, with her phone held up so high, to snap a pic (obviously....)
When i arrived nearby that GIRIN, there're not many people yet, but i just startled, my first time to see a celebrity which i really know in front of me. Few seconds later, I'm pushed by so many hard-core fans (i must say sasaeng fans) which are there with their huge cameras and they pushed they bodyguards like terribly... and for me, while trying to snap a pic, suddenly i'm being pushed badly by the other girls... after that i realized my mom is at the other side of the crowd, professionally snap pics of Kwangsoo with her phone.. hahaha.
After dia dah masuk tempat scan2 barang bagai tu, we went back to our seats, and guess what my ayah asked, 'Kwangsoo tu berjambang ke?'
==' lol, he thought the black mask is jambang. anyway, Kwangsoo handsome, too tinggi, polis2 KLIA tu takat bawah dada dia je, he's not as kurus as we saw in the tv and he's nice...
Settle bab kwangsoo, iolls pun naik flight... hehehe. First time naik emirates, kata orang among the best airline, so nervous + excited la jugak. Waktu tu la jugak nak teringat kes2 pesawat terhempas dan sebagainya... hahahaha...
Mula2 masuk the gate macam ala2 jakun tak tau nak pegi mana...
kalau KLIA2 tu masuk departure gate, trus boleh cari your flight punya gate... yang ni masuk departure gate, ikut signboard dia suruh naik lrt ni.. tengok keliling takde orang Melayu.. redah je masuk, pasrah je kalau salah jalan, tertinggal flight kira memang x pegi dah..
Dalam lrt/ tube ni, memang nanhado orang melayu, yang ada ala2 malaysia pun aku dengan apek depan ni, tah2 dia pun bukan orang Malaysia.. yang lain ala2 pak arab dengan mat salleh.. diorang tengok aku pun macam tak yakin je aku nak naik flight sama dengan diorang. LRT ni pun tah mana2 dibawaknya, lalu kot terowong bawah tanah bagai, sampai la kat area untuk cari my own flight gate.. waktu baris nak boarding, kiri kanan depan belakang semuanya pelbagai bangsa, tinggi2 la hai, siap ada yang terlanggar x perasan aku ada kat situ, pendek sangat katanya.. nak je aku mencarut bahasa melayu kat situ, nasib kru2 yang jaga situ orang melayu, so sopan tu still kena jaga.. kah.
Disebabkan first time naik, haruslah jadi jakun, habis semua benda aku tangkap gambar.. flight pepagi buta, so gelap gelita dalam tu, tapi apa aku kesah, tah bila lagi nak naik emirates ni, haruslah snap gambar... sebabkan mula2 tu segan, maka curi2 la tangkap gambarnya, lama2 dah hilang segan, suka hati aku je nak tangkap gambar camne..
And i heard that Emirates serve the best food, like they always have food, there's no way u're going to get hungry, and it is true.. makanan sentiasa ada.. kalau dia x serve pun, boleh je mintak maggi cup dekat stewardess tu bila2 masa... ada sorang uncle ni, flight baru terbang, baru nak simpan tayar agaknya, dia dah mintak maggi dah.. lapo bebeno agaknya.. kalau aku jadi Flight attendant (FA) tu mau menyumpah gak.. tak menyempat... hahaha
Nah, belanja gambar makanan yang aku sempat snap dlm gelap using my cheap phone..
so these two are among the meals serve... ni yang full meal, maksud nya yang penuh sedulang.. yang dia bagi air2, biskut, kek bagai tu, saya tak snap... hahaha.. sumpah kenyang...
for those who'll be on their first time on long flight, just like me before, lagi2 yang first time naik flight, i really understand your feeling.. i've been there before.. mesti rasa macam, camne nak buat eh, boleh ke makan banyak, segan la nak bangun pi toilet, kalau tercekik boleh mintak air lebih tak, headphone ni rosak tak keluar bunyi camne... haaaaa, dont worry saya mula camtu jugak, punya la segan sebab first time, tapi lama2 tengok orang buat lagi tak senonoh, so relax je..
rasanya almost all long hours flight sama kot, lepas flight dah fly, dah boleh bukak safety belt tu, FA akan edar warm towel, untuk acah2 lap muka tangan tengkok semua kot berpeluh ke, tak pun nak ala2 freshkan muka, towel tu bau ala2 lemon sikit... then FA akan round skali lagi untuk kutip towel tu guna penyepit makanan ala2 yang guna buat BBQ tu untuk masuk dalam plastik sampah.. hahaha..
Owh lupa, lupa, waktu nak take off tu, x tau nak buat apa? dalam emirates ni dia macam ada tv dekat seat setiap orang, yang ada 2 bahagian. first, untuk tau pasal flight tu, mcm nak track korang dah dekat mana or brapa jam lagi nak sampai destination or camera untuk tengok luar flight. so aku hari tu, waktu nak take off, bukak camera dia, dapat tengok la keadaan waktu flight tu nak terbang.. waktu dia dah fly tu, mula la sebukkan diri pilih movie nak tengok.. hahaha
ok, then, FA akan edar snacks dulu... ada biskut or kek.. then boleh pilih air.. ni part yang aku segan la.. FA tolak troli, dia tanya sorang2 nak minum apa.. haaaaa, sebabkan nampak atas troli je ada apa, dari jauh lagi aku dah usha nak minum apa.. dah la nak pilih satu je... sampai je FA tu dekat aku, order la, 'apple juice please'... hahaha dengan muka bajet dah biasa naik flight kan... FA ni pun tuangla dalam gelas plastik.. ok, happy dapat my first drink..
then FA tu tanya orang sebelah aku, 'Do u want any drink sir?' Owh, btw, sebelah aku ni ada married couple orang arab..
the wife said ' one orange juice, one water. a some tea with sugar please, and owh one coke'
HUH.... kau boleh order lebih dari satu ke... tang mana ada coke tu, aku tak nampak pun.. sebab kan aku dok dekat aisle, betul2 tepi troli FA tu, maka mula la sesi stalking apa FA tu buat... dia tuang satu2 minuman yang orang tu order and letak atas tray kecik before bagi dekat orang sebelah aku tu.. and tiba2 dia duduk bukak troli dia keluarkan tin kecik coke.... owhhhhh, macam2 lagi ada dlm troli tu rupanya... hahahaha... penuh tray orang sebelah aku dengan segala drinks.
Sejak daripada itu, syera mula pandai mintak pelbagai drinks from the FA.. hahaha.. disebabkan flight tu tengah malam, and 7 hours, dalam flight digelapkan sebab bagi orang tido.. yang couple sebelah aku, punya la tak senonoh, tido macam bilik kat rumah... hati aku sikit punya panas bila yang bini boleh pi baring ala2 kat katil kat rumah... dia bukak kasut, bukak stokin, angkat arm rest between aku ngan dia, dia baring kepala dkat laki dia, kaki kat aku, siap tendang2 sepanjang flight... disebabkan aku jenis hati melayu, tak mau bising2, aku terima seadanya sebab bersyukur dapat naik flight. but please people, for god sake u're in a flight with other people, who paid as much as u to get as much comfort as they paid. Mind your manner, biar bertamadun sikit.
Anyway, the next meal will be serve dalam sejam ke 2 jam after, but the FA always round dengan trolley dia tanya if nak air, x pun boleh je mintak anytime nak air.. aku sebab x boleh tido langsung, dok tengok movie je.. waktu tu, aku perasa dua orang je passenger yang tak tido.. aku dengan apek yang aku cerita tadi, tengah sedap makan maggi sambil tengok movie..
then, FA round lagi untuk bagi makanan.. biasanya diorang bagi untuk budak2 or baby dulu dalam 30 minutes earlier. as for adult, awal2 lagi diorang dah bagi pamphlet menu.. aku awal2 lagi dah fikir nak ayam ke ikan.. nak air apa... so, FA lalu je order, i want the chicken set... maka, dia pun hidanglah satu tray kat kau.. meal still panas, then ada roti with butter dengan cream, orange juice, dan segala dessert apa tah... lepastu FA lalu lagi, tanya nak air apa..
'apple juice and water please' hahahaha... ada kemajuan sikit sebab order dua drinks. punya la nikmat makan sambil tengok movie atas awan ni... hahahaha
ok, panjang lagi nak tulis.. nanti sambung part 2 untuk cerita and tips atas flight and dekat dubai airport.