

Assalamualaikum and hi! ^^

So..... I'm busy... very busy... 

somehow, I stop for a while to write this thing...

Just now, i came across a story in FB (yeah, FB have everything rn.. like EVERYTHING!!).
It's about a student who are in a restaurant, doing his/her assignment... i share the link below... just click it, and yeah, reflect yourself...

and oh, to akak empunya story, sorry tak mintak kebenaran dulu, but seriously niat saya baik... thanks for the sharing tho..

Sad kan... yup, really sad actually.. I cried, badly..
terkedu sekejap.. then, suddenly I remembered something that happened to ME.. 

Few weeks back, I went somewhere, can't remember tho, Midvalley maybe...
So, on my way back to UKM, after reaching KTM Bangi station, I decided to take a cab.
Seorang pakcik, mungkin tua sedikit dari ayah saya, pelawa saya masuk dalam teksinya..
Lumrah seorang perempuan, sedikit rasa was2.. 
Teksi mula bergerak, beliau (ya, saya guna 'beliau' sebab pakcik tersebut layak mendapat penghormatan tersebut), tanya pada saya, "Anak kolej mana?"
"Kolej Zaba, pakcik." dan sebagai seorang Syahirah, yang sangat awkward dgn org x dikenali, aku terus snyap..
"Jauh kolej awak ni nak.. jarang2 pakcik hantar orang kat kolej tu.." kemudian beliau capai sepeket kacang dan mula mengunyah. Dipelawa saya makan, namun saya tolak dengan baik..
Sejujurnya, saya masih was2... dalam dunia moden ni, mcm2 cerita saya pernah dengar, cuma terlalu berhati-hati..
Tersenyum pakcik tu.. " Nak, kacang ni pakcik beli dekat pusaneka td.. pakcik x buat pape."
Saya tersenyum dengan penjelasan pakcik tu... sedikit rasa bersalah.. Ya Allah, mungkin pakcik ni dah terasa hati dengan saya..
Beliau memandu agak perlahan buatkan saya mula rasa geram.. mula tengok jam..
Sekali lagi pakcik tu senyum.. "Nak, sekarang ni orang bawak kereta laju2.. bahaya.. takpa lambat sedikit, asal awak selamat, pakcik selamat, orang dekat luar pun selamat."
Sekali lagi aku tersentak.. direct menusuk hati...
"Awak belajar kursus apa? jadi student mesti penat kan.. banyak kerja kena buat..."

Apa yang jadi selepas ni, mohon kawan2 ambik pengajaran... 
"Saya belajar undang-undang pakcik" 
Tersenyum pakcik tu.. "wahhh, bagusnya... Alhamdulillah, merasa pakcik jadi driver sorang bakal peguam.. macam mana belajar?"

Sejujurnya, aku sedikit bangga waktu itu.. ya, aku belajar undang-undang, terlupa seketika, aku hanya seorang pelajar, dan lebih memalukan, aku hanyalah pelajar tahun 1.. entah kenapa, terdetik rasa bangga diri.. 
" Alhamdullilah pakcik, setakat ni ok lagi.. biasalah mula2 belajar, rasa susah.. tapi insyaAllah, lama2 ok la kot" 

"Belajar rajin2 ya nak.. insyaAllah, pakcik doa kamu jadi lawyer.. nanti dah berjaya, tolong masyarakat ye.." kata pakcik tu..
"ya pakcik.. insyaAllah.. doakan ya.." dan ya, dalam hati, aku masih terasa bangga diri..

ok guys, this is the amazing part....

"Nak, anak pakcik pun peguam jugak.. Alhamdulillah, berjaya dah dia sekarang.. dulu pakcik tengok waktu zaman dia student, dia slalu busy.. sekarang dia dah kerja, lagi busy"... terkedu aku..

"Tapi pakcik bersyukur, anak pakcik dah berjaya.. sebagai anak melayu, dan sebagai seorang perempuan, dia dah jadi seorang peguam, dia dah ada firma sendiri, dia dah beli rumah sendiri dekat setengah juta harga dia... walaupun dia ada suami, dia kumpul duit sendiri, beli rumah.. kata anak pakcik, bekalan untuk anak.. Pakcik bukan nak bangga diri, pakcik cuma nak anak tau, yang kita Melayu dan anak sebagai orang perempuan, boleh berjaya... lagi berjaya dari anak pakcik pun boleh.."

Terkedu.. terkejut.. tergamam...
Ya Allah, berdosa aku bangga diri tadi.. berdosa aku prejudis dekat seorang lelaki.. berdosa aku prejudis dekat seorang pemandu teksi.. Pakcik ini, boleh je duduk di rumah mewah anak beliau, luang masa dengan family, tapi dia pilih untuk bawak teksi..

Sedar2 dah mula naik bukit belakang zaba dah... Pakcik tanya lagi..
"Anak dah ada boyfriend?"
kemain pakcik ni... tanya sampai ada boyfriend bagai...hahaha
"Belum lagi pakcik.. saya ni tak la lawa.. x de sapa nak gamaknya... lagipun skrg ni busy, kalau ada boyfriend, confirm2 boyfriend pun lari" 

Jawapan pakcik tu mmg best betul...

"Takpa nak.. insyaAllah, nanti ada la tu... awak tu jangan jual mahal.. sekarang ni, nak cari yang elok tu susah. tapi pakcik tau dlm UKM ni banyak yang berkualiti tinggi" tergelak aku dengar kata pakcik tu.. sungguh, tak sangka langsung pakcik tu jawab camtu...

"Cuma nak, jangan kahwin dengan laywer jugak.. payah nak.. nanti gaduh tak tau mcm mana nak habis...pakcik tau la, anak pakcik tu kawin dengan lawyer jugak.. pening anak2 bila dorang gaduh..tapi takpa, gaduh2 pun nak makan, nak tido cari juga.. elok ja hidup" yang ni aku gelak lebih..lol.

sampai depan blok...
" Pakcik, terima kasih banyak2.. doakan saya berjaya dunia akhirat.." sungguh, pakcik ni banyak ajar aku.. yang paling penting, jawapan pakcik tu buat aku nangis bila aku smpai bilik..

"Nak, pakcik doakan kamu berjaya.. cuma satu je pakcik pesan... kamu sibuk mana pun sekarang ni dan bila kamu dah sibuk waktu kerja nanti, jangan lupa mak ayah ya.. " Pakcik tu senyum and pergi..

yup.. itu pengajaran paling penting... dalam hidup ni, sehebat mana pun kita, sekaya mana pun kita, jangan lupa 3 insan ni... Mak, Ayah, Cikgu...

saya mohon, ambik iktibar dari pengalaman saya.. sekadar perkongsian.. 
moga2 pakcik tu dirahmati Allah sentiasa.. 

tu je prkongsian untuk kali ini.. wallahualam..



Life Update

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hello guys...

It's November!!!! Ooooeeemmmgggeeeee...

Lol, dah lama tak update sini, last bulan September... serius rindu nk tulis.. 
but too busy...

Few people contact me via email, fb, insta and whatsapp...
majority budak TT, ada yg ex students, ada yg juniors yg I kenal, ada junior yg I x kenal, kiddies from other schools from other states yg i x knal and ada someone's mommy yg i obviously x kenal... 

I'm so sorry sbb tak dpt reply your responds... bukan menyombong ke apa... ada bdak TT junior yg i tak kenal siap tanya lg, 
"akak, sy tau akak x kenal sy, tp jgn la smpai x reply... saya sedih sgt"...

 OH GOD....puhhhlissss dik... toksah nak fefeeling sgt... bukan sesaja... biasanya sis reply je... cuma these few months sesangatlah busy, therefore, skrg br dpt curi ms skit to write something... I'll try to answer most of the Questions in a post...

1st Q
From: I'm not sure who, maybe Asasi students or STPM students or matric's students
Question: " Iv degree law susah x? tanya apa je?"

Answer: i've gone through only 2 interviews which are UKM and and UiTM.. Iv bg setiap Uni lain2.. My opinion, untuk UKM, more about currents issues, legal issues and judging through your confident level and the way you handle and response in group discussion.. For UKM, get used to both BM and English language.. For UiTM, it's even harder... u need to know both current issues and what u have studied in your whole Asasi year ( criminal, tort and contract)... yg current issues, read the most current issues, eg: what happen yesterday or this morning in Malaysia and other countries... yes, that much of current, a.k.a what happened today and yesterday... so, ni ringkasan, nak detail or nak tanya pape, can directly ask me personally...

2nd Q
From: juniors TT (sorry, i don't now u guys.... student baru ke or juniors yg masuk lepas i keluar??)

Question: kenapa akak ambik law? susah tak? bahas best tak? apa benifit bahas ni? budak sekolah biasa boleh survive tak dekat asasi and uni? mcm mana life akak kat skolah dulu? banyak problem dkt skolah and asrama, boleh tak sy nak mintak tlg akak? bila kak syera nak dtg skolah? (lol, soalan berbelas-belas org i combine in one sentence.

Answer: Pasal law and everything related to it, dah di jawab in previous post.. boleh la jenguk2 balik... pasal survive ke tak, depend on individu... but hey, i survived Asasi *smirks* but uni, i'm not sure, baru 1st sem, so tak leh nak bg comments sgt but guess what, every year mesti ada org graduate with llb.. sooooo, ada je yg survive...hehehe... life sis wktu kat skolah? not that fun but colourful...hahaha.. will explain more later (hope i can find some time to write it up)... kes nak mintak tolong, boleh je... feel free to contact me.. InsyaAllah, I'll reply when i have free time. Bila nak dtg skolah? soon..... hahahaha

3d Q
From: juniors TT yg kak syera kenal (lol, tetiba guna kak syera sebab they called me that way)

Question: kak syera, boleh tak kitorg nak pggl kak syera dtg skolah and buat aktvt? 

Answer: boleh je... i've no problem at all... sgt2 berterima kasih and bersyukur if i have a chance to do so... will be more than glad if i can help u guys in some way.. so, here it is, i'm not a great student as in during school life, Asasi life and Uni life... my results are not that good.. and i'm not a 'good' people.. i do commit crimes in all 3 eras (school,Asasi, uni) and involved in soooo many problems.. but, what i can do is just share my experience and a lil bit of advice prior to my mistakes. InsyaAllah, if u want to have aktiviti2 tntg other courses mcm medic, engineering, archi, arts, science stream or such, i can help to find few of my friends yang lebih arif in that matter... pengawas or bahas, i've no problem to ask help from alumni pengawas or alumni bahas... even few of my debat friends here in UKM can help u guys... don't worry about transport, place to stay and food cause i can handle it... as far as i can give something to school, i'll be glad to do so... ^^

From: mak orang and kakak orang... (maaf aunties and sisters... i really have no ideas who are u guys)

Question: Hows your life now?

Answer: Obviously, I'm pretty busy right now... both study and other things... well, belajar law tak kan pernah senang... akan sentiasa busy, itu yang pasti.. banyak benda kena korbankan.. as for me, for my study and my passion towards debat and mooting, banyak yg perlu dikorbankan... masa dengan family, masa dengan kawan, masa dengan diri sendiri.... dapat tido at least 3 jam sehari pun dah kira bersyukur sangat...my final dah dekat, assignments yg belambak,  just done with the Great Gender debate (will update about this soon) and currently struggling with mooting. my life is so hard right now... so, yeah, practically, i don't have a life right now... hahaha

From: Juniors TT
Question: what do u miss the most right now? Hows your love life? best ke uni life? and "akak, u're my idol" (lol, tht last part tho... honestly, not my self proclaim ok)

 What i miss the most.. if i have to give one answer, it'll definitely be time with my family.. i miss that the most (including my bed, my tv, my kitchen, my wifi, my aircond, my cat....lol^^) but other than that, i miss my time with my friends, rindu nak lepak dgn my friends especially bebudak 4 org tu (eyna, nora, wani mot), bebudak 4 org tu ( tasnim, timah, cik, mizah), bbudak asasi 4 org tu ( tiqah, anis, anna, izzan), roommates waktu form 5, classmates Asasi, bebudak bahas skolah menengah and so much more... practically i miss my time with other human being besides my moot teammates and debat people... (yes, my life mostly have books and papers rght now.. deal with it)

then, hows my love life? well, i don't have any right now... like seriously, sape nak perempuan yang x pandai, x lawa, sibuk sesangat smpi diri sndr tak terurus? hahaha... sejujurnya, kalau ada sekali pun, i'll be sooo simpati with that guy because i don't have time for him... so, for now, i prefer to be alone. done.

Best ke uni life. My answer, NO. hahaha... life paling best is your toddler life.. Free worries life.. that's the best.

and the last part, the statement tho, i got 3 statements like that from 3 diff person for the past 3 days... so here it is kiddies, i'm not a successful person... believe me, my life was horrible.. i don't have any achievements to be proud of yet... 'idol' is such a big word... dpt that term from other people, i'm ashamed..i don't deserve that... what u've read and see from my blog or fb or insta or twitter, is the fun part a.k.a the positive thng that happened in my life... U'll never knew the ugly part.. seriously, u don't want to .. therefore, my nasihat, if u want to take someone as your idol, believe me, the best people are your parents.. look, they have married for years and they survive, they're working parents but still, they've successfully manage their marriage... they've successfully handled problematic kids like u guys... they've successfully brought up the coolest kid on earth like u guys... (eh?? hehehe) so, i do believe, the most deserve people to be your idol is your own parents...

That's all i can fgive for this moment... ni pun nak rushing buat assignments pulak... I'm so sorry if i tak reply to your email or whatsapp or fb instantly, but i will when i have free time... 

believe me people, whatever happen now is only the training for u to face greater challenge in your future... kalau korang rasa kerja skolah korang banyak sekarang, percayalah, assignments dekat uni jauh lagi banyak... if korang rasa kelas dekat skolah tu lama sgt, tak habis2 even dah ptg, percayalah dkt uni kelas pun habis petang, then mlm kena settle banyak lagi hal... u don't have that much time to eat and sleep during uni life... kalau rasa sekarang asyik kena marah je ngan cikgu, percayalah, dekat uni ni korang kena marah dr ramai org... if korang rasa susah nya lahai dekat skolah nak cari guy/girl yang berkualiti tinggi or sesuai sgt nak buat calon suami/isteri, percayalah dekat uni ni x de masa pun nak cari... and i do believe, when u start working in the future, it'll be even more harder...

 so, chin up people, be strong and face your life.. give your best till the end... work hard, study hard... if u study hard and don't get great result during your test, that mean, u don't put enough effort and you're not doing your best and yes, u just think so... but if, u dah usaha semampu yang boleh, u dah give your best, but still don't score during your final, tu Tuhan nak uji... 
be positive people ^^

till then,

A much needed rant : 28th April 2021

*Disclaimer: This post was written on 28th April 2021. 2.10 am. Few months before turning 26 y.o. I'm not sure when I'll publish thi...