Assalamualaikum and Happy SEPTEMBER!!
Lama dah tak post... busy for few weeks.. very hectic..
So, I'm so sorry to those yang text, whatsapp, email and yg sewaktunya tanya pasal where am I rn..
Bukan x nak jawab, cuma mencari masa sesuai untuk explain everything..
and i really really hope that my few posts on my degree life will help other people in future.. so, let's start..
First, ramai yang tanya where and what i'm studying rn..
Well, i'm currently at UKM kampus induk, Bangi.. and in process of making llb..
Degree in Law, Faculty of Law, UKM.
gambar ehsan google.. sorry, gi fac lupa snap gmbr.. lol.
Second, ada yg tanya, knapa pilih law..
Wahai adik2 kesayangan akak sekalian..hehehe...
sebenar-benarnya, i'm not that interested with law at first..
even during Asasi year, i don't have that much confident that i'll continue with Law for my degree. So, why did i choose Law.
Sejujurnya, niat asal, even dari highschool, i want to join UKM's debate team.
Sebab apa? sebab zaman skolah dulu, Cikgu Rodzlina a.k.a my debate coach slalu ingatkan, kalau nak jadi pendebat yang baik, kita kena mula dengan proses peniruan. Jadinya, at that time, i'll watch UKM and UM debate team videos over and over again sebab nak tiru. I'm not born with debating talent, no i'm not. Just ada deep passion je.. itu je yang saya pegang for years and i'm so grateful that i've been holding to that principal till now.
Tapi waktu tu, just terfikir untuk untuk tiru.. sampailah one day waktu form 5, before gi peringkat kebangsaan, baru terfikir, kenapa perlu tiru if one day u can be part of them.. so, that's how everything started.
Tapi, waktu tu tak terfikir langsung nak sambung Law kat sini. Just terfikir nak masuk apa2 course kat sini and teruskan dengan debat. but, at the same time, diri ni tak berani nak sambung science courses. therefore, the only way is Asasi law. Waktu Asasi Law plak, i'm not expose to their kelab debat. So, i joined mooting competition. Pengalaman baru..
Then, alhamdulillah, sambung UKM.. and to make it even better, I'm doing llb.
Next, 3rd, orang tanya, how i got into UKM?
Sejujurnya, aku sendiri tak tau camne boleh dapat..
Bukan nak buat rendah diri ke apa.. this is sejujur-jujurnya..
Law memang my first choice in UPU, but, bukan the only one, ada pilih hubungan antarabangsa Unimas and sosiologi and antropologi UKM. Minat aku sebenarnya lebih terarah kpda hubungan antarabangsa.. sumpah, hati aku dah separuh yakin akan dapat unimas.. segala ilmu wktu asasi dulu aku dah lupakan right after settle interview ukm.
Pasal ukm, aku terangkan in other post.
Honestly, result aku rendah sgt2 berbanding student2 lain yg dtg iv especially kalau banding dgn student stpm and matrik.. dorang stok result 4flat je smua..
and muet aku just band4, just cukup the min requirement, x la hebat smpai dpt band 5 ke apa. Interview hr tu pun biasa2. Sejujurnya, aku x rasa kepuasan iv hr tu.. rasa mcm x lgkap je.
So, senang kata, ni semua rezeki.. TQ so much Ya Allah.. Aku yakin Kau atur yang terbaik untuk diriku ini.. May Allah ease everything.. Amin~
Aku just nak pesan, to everyone, terutamanya my juniors, kalau korang nak sambung in anything, don't give up.. just keep on usaha.. don't stop.
We don't know what God had planned for us.. Have faith on Allah.. anything can happen.. As long as u know what u want, everything gonna be just fine.
What am i doing right now?
Well, baru habis minggu mesra mahasiswa a.k.a minggu orientasi..
Don't worry, pasal orientasi and interview, aku post kemudian..
overall, I'm more than satisfied with my life right now..
Till the next post.. Doakan i'll survive here..Dream big, people.. In my life, dream do come true..
Love your life..
Part 2: UKM Law Part 2
Part 3: UKM Law Part 3
Part 4: UKM Law Part 4
Part 5: UKM Law Part 5
Part 6 (Final): UKM Law Part 6