
Memory Lane

Assalamualaikum and hye ...


Today is my first time writing this sort of thing in a place called diary.. i never did this kindof thing before.. 
so, it's kindof awkward a bit..
However, i decided to write these memories as i know that somehow, one day, i might forgot all these because of my age or who knows if i suddenly lost my memories..

Few minutes before, that person called me.. i don't know how to describe it, but i'm happy.. very happy..
That person is on his way back home..he's checking my condition as i'm alone at home. We talk, we laugh, we giggle.. it's fun.. Too much fun..i don't know how to describe it.

I asked that person if he's ok with this kind of conversation being publicly heard as he's not alone there..(obviously as he's still underage by that time.. someone has to drive the car)so, that person with this 'abang' and that person lil bro..
so, it is public.. but the person's answers sooth my feeling..

That person said, there's nothing to hide as everyone knew about us already.

We talked for a while before that person took a short nap. When that person reached home, that person called me back and we talked some more.Im shocked a bit as we're having our conversation with the person's mother there.. i can here the woman's voice..
Honestly, i'm scared... hahaha.. don't know why.. scared without a reason.

That person gave me advises, try to correct my mistakes and patient with my nagging..

we talk few hours and stop by 4 am.. ( 0143-0356)
* in here (while pointing to the heart) got 5 person..
 my A, my M, my A, my B and U...- McD Kampar


today was a happiness...


Today, i'm reading my diary back. A diary that got 365 pages telling the stories of me in gaining my maturity in becoming a lady. A strong lady..
There's a page where the words are in gold and silver but still, there're words that're in pink..

I read it again and again and again.. Amazed by how a year had gone..
yup, my tears are there.. I'm not regretting, I'm not angry..
Those tears are reminding me how beautiful it is back then..

I might loss a precious thing, but i did gain so much more..
That one year, taught me so many things..
It's a total lie if i said i don't miss that person..
i did...
but, somehow, that's how life works..

so, dear that person, 
i'm not sure whether u're going to read this like how u used to read it before..
u used to read my blog and even remember some of it..
but it's in the past..
but if, in case, u come across this post,
i hope u're doing fine..
i know u're happy right now..
i know u're just gaining your health back right now..
i know u're struggling with your study right now..
i know u're living your life right now..

and i'm glad u're like that..
i got few words for u..
and take it as an advice from a friend..

people are talking about u..
people will never stop..
so don't feel down..
carry on with your life..
carry on in the right path...
i know u're still a teenager, but being a teenager is not a free pass for u to do everything...
i know, i believe, someday, u'll be a great guy, a great person, a great son..

sorry i keep recap all these memories..
maybe u don't need it anymore.. but i did...

so, live your life there..
insyaAllah, we'll meet in future..

your friend,


McD: My 2nd Room

Assalamualaikum and hye guys..

my dream... insyaAllah...

Tengah sibuk2 buat kerja, teringat pulak nak buka blog..
bukak2 je, tengok post boleh kira sebelah tangan.. dah dua bulan kot =='

sumpah kecewa.. hahaha.
jadi, haruslah aku kurangkan rasa bersalah ini..
tulis la barang seperenggan dua...
by the way, i'm in McD.. again...

dah rasa macam family sendiri plak pakcik atas ni... hehehe~

McD dah mcm my 2nd room this early year.. 
semuanya gara2 dah dekat nak final and all these assignment..
 and to make it worst, i really really need good internet connection..
internet connection uitm sucks..

so, here i am.. in McD..
kawan2 siap cop my face as muka McD..
cashier McCafe siap tanya lagi, akak, taknak beli cappucino ke hari ni..
tak kira lagi cashier McD.. soalan dia menusuk kalbu ooo...
'Akak, nak order macam biasa ke..'
hahaha... dah boleh jadi duta McD la kot...
kalau himpun2 belanja wa kat sini, dah boleh bukak kafe sendiri la kot...

and talking bout owning a cafe, i do want to have my own cafe..
In future.. InsyaAllah..
a cafe that will help other students and other people like me..
people who are searching for a place to relax and just move on their life with coffee smell.. hahaha...

waaaa~ selesanya... macam ni la yg diidamkan sangat...

and one more, i love all the memories here..
i just can't forget it...
and yet, still, memories...

takpa, asal wa dapat terus hidup, itu sudah cukup..

my life now, waiting and saving for the best.. insyaAllah..
i'm not a perfect person, but i'm trying my best to be one..
and again, to people who keep asking...
i'm ok... i'm living my life..
things just happened..
and i take all these as memories..
those memories brought me to where i am right now..
being a stronger person..
things happened not because any of us.. it's because of us..
want to set the best future first a.k.a study..
cliche enough right..
hahaha... it's ok.. just correct your perception guys..
don't blame any of us k..
just support..
that's what we need... or at least i need it...

so, yeah, pray the best for me..

and regarding to this matter, so, i hope people understand.. 
when i say no, then no will be the final answer.. 
 i know what the heck i'm doing..
 i know who i can't live with, and who i can't live without..
so, yup, respect my decision..
and don't wait.. i move on and i expect the same with u people..

i believe in 'jodoh di tangan Tuhan' now.. 
who knows, my 'right-one' will somehow be a person that sit infront me at McD someday... hahaha~ berangan sangat

P/s: maaf, jangkaan seperenggan dua tu tak tercapai... hehehe~



It's about T.I.M.E

Assalamualaikum wbt and good day guys...

so, i'm busy with my assignments and few stuffs..
spend my free time at McD.. and for granted la kan for sure..
they supply the best internet connection kot..
so, yeah, trying to write some...

what's wrong with time..
well, i saw something previously..

maybe it doesn't mean anything to u.. but it means a lot to me.. 
like too deep..
without realizing, years gone...
 felt like just yesterday i'd golek2 on the field with my friends.. 
but now, try to do so, confirm kena halau dengan polis bantuan UiTM.. hahaha~

2013 so short.. i nearly done nothing.. sedar tak sedar i'm turning 19.. 
19 kot... getting older... *sigh*

kawan2 semua makin besar.. dah ada dengar ura2 ada yang nak kawen..
like seriously, are they getting married too early or i'm the one who's getting older.. *double sigh*

my friends dah pecah2.. utara selatan barat timur semua ada... 
last year tak rasa sangat sebab majoriti still in matrik..
but after april, semua orang pakat selesai matrik and asasi..
and degree will start in september..
confirm2 lagi berpecah..

semua pakat blajar laen2.. 
dulu semua belajar sama je.. BM, BI, Math, Science..
ulang la subjek2 ni dari kecik cinonet form 1 sampai la tak berapa kecik form 5
sekarang, bila tanya...
ada yang asasi sains (bakal2 doktor lettew)
ada yang memang tengah study medic.. (my ex-classmate..wooooo~)
ada yang tengah bertapa kat UTP... 
(budak2 engine.. yg krja gali minyak pun ada...hehehe~)
ada yang tengah foundation bagai...
 ( yang ni tak layan local.. pakat nak terbang ramai2.. budak2 pandai ni..)
yang reramai dekat matrik... 
(yang ni tatau mana diorang nak pi.. tapi bdak2 pndai ni)
macam2 ar kawan wa blaja..
ada yang dulu ala2 knak2 riang je dlm dorm, skrg dah nak jadi nurse..
ada yg dulu asyik injured je, semedang berbalut, skrg dia blaja cara ajar orang bejalan.. (eh, betol ke.. ke aku yang memandai??) hehehe
ada yang dulu merempit ngan skuter, pembekal maggi utama, sekarang dah boleh jadi calon isteri terbaik, ustazah pun blh gak...bangga ada kawan camni..

senang kata, semua dah ada jalan sendiri..
waktu zaman sekolah, tak terbayang everything will be like this..
buat budak2 sekolah, appreciate your school life..
like seriously, u gonna miss it.
i miss it
miss it a lot..

i did lot of mistakes back then.. 
so, since you guys still have time, dengar my words ni ye adik2...(ecehhh~)
if u feel annoyed with your teachers, don't be.. how much u hate them, how much u can't understand, try to be a good student..
in my case, i did sometime hate few teachers.. i thought they're not a good teacher.. i can't understand what the heck they're teaching infront and choose to ignore them..
but now, i hate myself because i'm the one who don't put enough effort to understand what they're teaching..
i'd met so many kind of teachers.. they've their own charm..
budak lelaki slalu kena sepak dgn sir vijan kan.. and most of them hate it kan..
well, don't hate him because u're gonna miss him the most..
yang perempuan x penah kena sir vijan.. so, i'm jealous with boys actually..
ada yang tak suka cikgu Kucai..
don't hate him.. he's such a nice man... like a father at one point...
ada yang takut dengan Miss Liz..
i did.. i'm so scared at first.. like super scared.. but hey, she's one of the best English teacher i'd ever knew..
when she asked u to speak in English, it's quite annoying isn't it.. 
but believe me, it'll help u a lot in your uni life.. same goes to me..
if u hate your BM teachers, don't hate them.. they're the best teachers u would ever have..
they really are.. i know some of them.. they are not your teacher.. they are your mothers..

so, actually, dah jauh tersasar sebenarnya..hehehe~
nawaitu nak tulis just nak kata, i'm getting older, tu je.. hahaha..
tiba2 emosi terlebih kejap tadi..

and, bila dapat cerita pasal Anand, lagi terasa makin tua...hahaha..

hahaha... yup, anand datang sekolah.. bagi motivasi kat bebudak..

jangan salah sangka, i don't have any crush on him or whateva it is.. just respect him as a friend and he is a successful person and an excellent student.. bukan nak puji lebih , but he is...

dapat cerita dia datang sekolah, terasa diri makin dewasa... 
entah berapa tahun nanti, datang semua pakat dah kerja..
cikgu jemput kami na, insyaAllah, yang datang semua doktors, engineers, cikgu, nurse, pakar2, lawyer, biz person, architects, and so much more... insyaAllah..
orang2 yang cikgu boleh banggakan, and u can always said that those guys are your students..

pray for us..
pray for me..
May God bless us..
still in that mood tho.. hehehe.. sorry.. i do need time...

i wrote a lot don't i.. hahaha... sekali sekala lepas rindu menulis..

so, live your precious life guys..
till we meet..

P/s : Song of the month : Titanium



It's 15...

Assalamualaikum and hye =)

dah lama sangat tak buat post..
I'm so sorry...
my life sangat sangat sangat hectic.. 2nd sem of asasi year seem so short..
abundant of assignments, tests and quizzes and so much more..
plus few things happened..
so, the time to write on this blog tak kunjung tiba..

so, curi kejap masa.. just to write something...
people asked me so many Qs... ada yg tak sempat dibalas pun..
jadi, dikesempatan ini, izinkan saya menjawab few of them.. ecehhh~ hehehe

first Q, how are u?
i'm fine.. tq for asking.. i'm surviving..

2nd Q, what exactly happen to your life these days?
Many things happened.. biasa la.. dalam life ada ups and downs..

3rd, menyesal tak?
of course tak..

4th, where are u going afterwards?
not sure yet, few months back, i did made few plans, but now, kena ubah skit kot.. hehehe... macam tak brape kena je plan tu..

5th, how's Asasi life?
one word. HORRIBLE

6th, after habis asasi nak buat apa?
not sure yet.. but most probably kawen... hahaha.. dah nak tau sangatkan.. ambek...

7th, don't u missed?

8th, and who are u talking about up there?

9th, who?
Ma Bro

10th, till when?
Till the end... life is fair and square.. God plans it well..who said life will end with happily ever after.. u don't need to be with to be happy.. 
 appreciating is more than enough..

11th, why is it the title like that?
Because it's 15th.. yesterday.. and yup, i count.. still counting..

12th, still? even after all things happened?
There's no reason for me to stop..

Any last words?
Life is not something to be regret with.. life is something to be proud of.. 
put colors into your life, and remember BLACK is a color too..
head up, strengthen your heart, be strong
everything gonna be ok..
let time heal everything..

and one more thing, i miss my sis the most...

and few things changed..
example, i prefer study in McD now.. i'm not sure why..
tapi dah jadi macam regular customer kat McD sec.7 tu..
nak cari wa senang je..
lu datang ar jumaat or weekend..
memang wa overnight sana..
agak2 bosan, teman wa study law... hahaha... acah je..

so, bila dah dok lama kat sana, mula la berangan macam2..
i really wish someone will accompany me study there.. like study together..
enjoy hot choc together...
maen pas2 sticky notes..
ok, mlalut... hahaha.. hasil bacaan novel Melayu secara berterusan.. *sigh*
but seriously, i really wish i can do that..
ingat nak buat sem lepas.. tapi masing2 sibuk..
nak continue this sem, but somehow, things happened, tak sempat..
wish i have more time because there're things that are still not done yet..
make me feels incomplete.. tergantung..
insyaAllah, ada rezeki i'll finish it up..
a promise..
at least i still got 18 wishes to be granted..

so yeah... thats all..
do take care...
drive carefully...
take care with your hearts guys..
live your life

and last but not least, pray for my study, my exam, may i passed my final with flying colours, may Allah ease the process and journey to there.. 
may my dream come true this year, may my heart be stronger..
pray that everything will be on the track like old days back..
i never loose hope, and you too.. don't..


A much needed rant : 28th April 2021

*Disclaimer: This post was written on 28th April 2021. 2.10 am. Few months before turning 26 y.o. I'm not sure when I'll publish thi...