Assalamualaikum w.b.t and good morning...
*i'm writing this post at 11 a.m... it's morning
I'm supposed to write about my previous family vacation tapi ada topic lain yang dah lama sangat terfikir nak tulis, tapi tak tulis2 lagi... so, sementara masih ingat and ada ilham ni, baik tulis dulu kan..
yet so true.. i can be mad.. MUAHAHAHA...*kidding~
so, obviously, saya nak cerita about two guys yang saya dah anggap macam adik saya sendiri..
kalau bahasa mudah nya orang panggil as 'adik angkat' la kot.. takpun junior..orang kata ber'adik angkat' ni bahaya... ke arah maksiat kan... tapi, rasanya kalau sesama senior junior, masih menjaga batas pergaulan, nawaitu betul, saling support each other, tolong menolong, maybe tak salah kot.. sorry for those who thinks what i write here is wrong, but i do believe, we don't commit any crime here....ecehh~
First thing first...this is them ...
the 'sis' and the 'bro'.....
This is them... the kids that make my life colorful, the kids that taught me a lot, the kids that make me laugh and cry like there's no tomorrow...
the kids that i called as my Adiks...
so, macam biasa, in my blog, i'll tell readers bout people that exist in my life.. i'll introduce them by my point of view..
And, this is my lil sis...
she's cute...she's Aimi Amanina... = )
She's Aimi Amanina but i call her Aimi or Eymi or sis or so much more nick names...Camne boleh kenal?? well, when she's form 1 and i was form 2, she's my dorm mate.. so, we'd know each other for years jugak, one of those years, tak sure whether 2009 or 2010, (maaf, sis ta brape igt, biasa la da tua2 ni, ingatan ta brapa kuat..)tergerak hati nak jadikan this girl as my sis.. so, finding and searching and looking for the most suitable time to propose... eceh~ propose gitu..teeheeee~ then, suddenly, i've to go for a debate competition..
so, at that time, i tell Nora, ''Nora, lepas kita gi bahas ni, kalau kita menang, aku nak mintak aimi jadi adik angkat.. aku tak tau kenapa, tapi aku akan ambik dia jadi adik angkat.. so, kena make sure kita menang la.."
See that, kan da cakap da, ta salah ber'adik-akak' angkat if nawaitu betul.. belum declare pape lagi da jadi satu matlamat a.k.a pendorong untuk achieve something... so, yeah, bahas kitorang menang..
dalam kereta Cikgu Rodzlina, da start fikir, camne la nak propose budak Aimi ni...sampai asrama, rehat2, baring kat katil, dok fikir, camne la nak jumpa budak ni...hahaha...fikir macam apa je..
Masa : Waktu prep malam
Tempat : Dewan Makan asrama Al-Munawwarah
Perasaan : Tuhan je yang tau...
waktu, tu, kalau ada sape2 tanya, ''syera, hang ok tak ni??''...
i'll definitely answered, ''yes, i'm F.I.N.E''
i'll definitely answered, ''yes, i'm F.I.N.E''
huhuhu, macam apa je.. tahap nervous tu, kalah tahap nervous waktu kat atas stage final bahas negeri.. dasyat tak dasyat nye waktu tu..
Tuhan je yang tau.. walaupun hati tengah nervous, muka kena control... hahaha.. so, i write something, sort of a proposal for her in a piece of paper.. then, lipat2 wat jadi surat... nasib baik malam tu kitorang buat something like a debater's meeting... then, saja panggil Aimi dok sebelah, slow2 pas kat dia surat tu...ehehehe.. cara kanak2.. biasa la.. malu woo nak mintak depan2...
And lucky me when she said YES!!!
so, from then on, there she is... my lil sis...
Eymi sorang yang emotional-not-stable... hahaha... maksud nya, susah nak predict mood dia.. kadang2 dia ok je, tengah gelak2, tiba2 boleh nangis pulak, then tiba2 leh buat tacing, then datang plak angin bebai, tu la dia... maen mrajuk pun kuat minah ni.. nasib die la dapat sis yang tak reti pujuk like me.. seriously, i dont know how to pujuk2 orang mrajuk ni...
she's cute, she's skinny (ni pun dia bising gemuk lagi ==' ), dia sangat lah pandai, sangat lah kepoh, sangat suka mengulang apa yang orang cakap a.k.a repeater...
one thing i'll never forget about her... bila dia baru sampai asrama or bila saya baru sampai asrama, she'll scream like this..
''KAK SYERA!!!!!"
then dengar la blok bergegar sebab ada budak lari datang dorm saya.. hahaha..then my dorm mate akan cakap..
''dia datang dah...datang dah adik syera tu..''
miss those moment...
then kitorang suka lepak2, borak2 pasal study problem, pasal heart problem, pasal debate and so much more.. giving presents and chocs and foods.. yup, both of us suka makan... so yeah, it's fun where there is just us.. but then, bad news, she got an offer to sbp.. and she don't know and not sure whether she should go or not... so, i just ask her to go for her own future...
and there she goes... SBP Muar, Johor... even though kitorang da jauh, we're still in contact, but nowadays dah jarang2 sebab she's sitting her SPM this year.. so, Good luck Eymi, akak doakan yang terbaik untuk Aimi, i know u can do it much much better than me.. do take care of yourself... take a good care of your solat.. don't miss to pray to Allah.. InsyaAllah, everything will be fine..
ingat lagi last year, there's this speacial day.. days before that, i keep dreaming her coming to the hostel, have a chat with me, hugging and kissing..then, at 'the day', i just came back from school.. rehat2 atas katil when one of my dorm mate cakap, ''syera, ada orang nak jumpa''...
and like always, like a big boss, i'll say, ''masuk je la''...
and....woila...there she is.. out of nowhere, she pop out in front my dorm...she's wishing goodluck for my SPM and so on... she gave me a letter...
this is the letter...sapa nak usha, klik la untuk zoom..
yeah, i glad to have her as my sis...
gambar dekat 3 tahun lepas... muka pun macam apa je..
Next, the bro... this is him..
he's a grown up now.. he's Farid Izani...
well, this kid pun one of my juniors..Saya panggil dia farid or kadang2 Jani.. kenal dia since he's Form1 sampai la da besar panjang sekarang..i don't know why, but i do treat him like a little kid.. baby to be exact.. hahaha.. tak tau la knapa, tapi nampak dia ni macam insecure he is my team mate bahas, so, setiap kali gi lawan mana2, mesti tanya...
"Farid ok?"
"Farid, nak makan apa?''
"Farid, nak makan tak?"
"Farid mana farid??"
"Farid, ada air mineral tak?"
"Farid, da ready belum?"
"Farid, nak mineral water tak?"
and the Qs continue like forever....hahaha..sian kat farid sebab kena layan macam budak2...sori k..
He's so pandai, perangai macam budak2 skit, pun jenis emosi terganggu
*mood dia berubah2 kalah orang perempuan...hehehe
Punya la cepat tacing, nak cakap ngan dia kena hati2 sket, kalau tak free2 je kena jeling...tapi farid matured than his age
*his thinking, not his act...huhuhu~
he's quite close with me.. selalu je kitorang main pas2 surat if ada problem.. so, we gave advice to each other..kadang2 main gaduh2... i don't have a real lil bro, so, to have a junior like him make me feel like i do have one..
There're ups and downs happened between us.. but yeah, after all, we're still siblings... take care of each other even though dari jauh..
sekarang farid da pindah sekolah ke MRSM Taiping... yup, my adik-adik semua pandai2... saya je tak.. blessed to have them.. make me put more effort during my SPM.. but yeah, i do know they will do much much much better than me.. just miss you guys...
Bahas kat selangor last year.. sedih tengok farid dah besar..hahaha... rasa macam mak2 gitu..
see that, we know each other since muka kitorang muka budak2 lagi..
he even slept with my sweater in the train...
cikgu Rodzlina la paling cute... heeee~
see....dia still pakai sweater orang tanpa rasa bersalah =='
that's us... zaman masing2 masih kanak2.. abaikan tudung blogger yang hancur disitu...
nampak sangatkan perbezaan kitorang...
sorang pakai dress tingkat2 yang kalau pusing2 boleh kembang2 gitu..
sorang lagi bajet ayu pakai baju kebaya...merana nak jalan wei...=='
my two adiks....
orang tengah serious pun yang kecik tu sempat buat 'peace' lagi.. that's why he's still an adik
So, this is them.. this is us.. InsyaAllah, i'll never forget them.. May Allah bless u guys...
so guys, remember, sometimes, being a senior didn't means you're always right.. and being a junior didn't means you're always wrong..there's no age limitation to do something in a wrong way.. so, hargailah senior2 dan junior2 anda...
Hargailah adik beradik anda... whatever u'll do, they're still your siblings...
ni tader kena mengena ngan post ni.. this is for the next post..nak tau apa dia...wait and see...
live your life guys.. don't hurt other people's feeling...
tak yah nak tunjuk sangat la weii.. macam ye2 je kau punya...orang tak tunjuk bukan sebab tak ada, tapi taknak 'menunjuk'..
Eh?? tiba2 ter'emo'...hahaha.. but yeah, Allah swt who plans everything...not you... and one more thing, He plans the best.. keep that in mind..